
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

5.4.7 Value of umask set for the standard output file and the standard error output file (UNIX only)

When the execution host (agent) is a UNIX system, by default the standard output file and standard error output file are created using the umask value of the user who started the JP1/AJS3 service. To allow registered users to set their own umask value for these files, create a job execution environment settings file for each user.

The procedure for using a job execution environment settings file and the file specifications are as follows:

Using a job execution environment settings file

On the agent host, create the following file for each JP1 user:

  • File name


  • File contents


Specification of a job execution environment settings file

The umask value specified in a job execution environment settings file affects only the standard output file and standard error output file. Files created by job processes are not affected. When standard output or standard error output is performed for an existing file, the access permission of the existing file is kept unchanged regardless of whether the output data overwrites existing data or is added to the file.