
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

5.4.4 Checking file access permission at job execution (UNIX only)

If the execution host (agent) is a UNIX host, you can specify the scope of the file access permission check performed when a job is executed. You can choose to check the file permissions only, or also check the access control list (ACL) and secondary group settings.

The file access permission check can be performed for the following jobs in UNIX:

An access permission check is performed on the following files:


You cannot specify this file for HTTP connection jobs.

You can set any of the following three methods of checking access permissions:

The default method is to check file permissions only.

The check method is set separately for each agent host. For details on the setting procedure, see 15.2.18 Enabling the file access permission check for the ACL and secondary group settings during job execution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

The following table describes the relationships between the type of user accessing the file, the file category, and the check method when the ACL and secondary group settings are checked in addition to the file permission settings.

Table 5‒5: File access permission check by user category and file category

User category

File category

Files provided by JP1/AJS3#1

User files#2


With ACL


No check needed

No check needed

No check needed


No secondary groups

File permission

File permission


With secondary groups

File permission

File permission and secondary groups

ACL and secondary groups


ACL: Access control list


Files and directories provided by JP1/AJS3 products.


Files and directories for user resources, specified by the user when executing a job or command.

Cautionary notes
  • Access permissions to files and directories provided by JP1/AJS3 products are not checked.

  • If the agent host is running JP1/AJS version 08-10 or earlier, only the file access permissions are checked. The ACL and secondary group settings are not checked.

  • If you change the file access permission check method, jobs that were executable under the previous check method might fail to start. When setting the check method, consider whether the file permission settings differ from those in the ACL and secondary group settings, and make sure that the check will not impact on job startup.