
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

5.1.4 Default execution agent

Agent information in which the local host is defined as the agent host is set by default in each manager host. This agent is referred to as the default execution agent.

The following table lists the information defined for the default execution agent.

Table 5‒1: Information defined for the default execution agent



execution agent


Execution host

Manager host

Maximum number of concurrently executable jobs

5 (00:00-00:00=5)

Job transfer restriction status



None set

Use the default execution agent to execute a job on the local host. To specify the default execution agent as the execution agent for a unit, either specify @SYSTEM for the execution agent in the unit definition or omit the execution agent specification. Even after migration of the unit definition to another manager host, the default execution agent will allow you to execute jobs on the destination host without changing the unit definition, improving unit definition portability.

Cautionary note

If you want to execute jobs by specifying the local host name for the execution agent in the unit definition, an execution agent with the same name as the local host name must separately be added in advance to the default execution agent. Use the ajsagtadd command to add the execution agent. For details about the ajsagtadd command, see ajsagtadd in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

If you add an execution agent that has the same name as the local host name, be careful in the handling of the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs defined for the execution agent. The maximum number of concurrently executable jobs specified for an execution agent applies to that specific execution agent. As an example, take the addition of an execution agent which has the local host name and whose maximum number of concurrently executable jobs is set to 00:00-00:00=10 (a maximum of 10 concurrent jobs, 24 hours a day). In this case, because the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for the default execution agent is 00:00-00:00=5 (a maximum of five concurrent jobs, 24 hours a day), a maximum of 15 jobs could be executed concurrently.

You can change the information defined for the default execution agent by using the commands for working with execution agents. You can also perform operations on execution agents from the Web GUI (Job Portal). For details, see 1.5.5 Commands used to operate execution agents in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference. Note that the execution agent commands include functionality that does not apply to the default execution agent. The following table shows which operations can be targeted to the default execution agent.

Table 5‒2: Applicability of execution agent commands to the default execution agent





Define the default execution agent as a connected execution agent when adding an execution agent group.


Add a default execution agent.



Change the execution host.


Change the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs.


Change the job transfer restriction status.


Add the default execution agent as a connected execution agent in an execution agent group.


Delete the default execution agent from the connected execution agents when connected to an execution agent group.


Change the priority of the default execution agent when connected to an execution agent group.



Delete the default execution agent.



Display the job execution status or other information about the default execution agent.



Output definition information about the default execution agent.



Y: Applies to the default execution agent.

N: Does not apply to the default execution agent.