
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

5.1.1 Execution agents

An execution agent is a logical name defined in JP1/AJS3 as a job execution host. JP1/AJS3 determines where each job is to be executed by mapping the execution agent name with the physical host name of an agent host that executes jobs. The job is then sent to that agent host.

Supplementary note

Queueless jobs do not use execution agents. To define a queueless job, specify the execution host in Exec-agent in the detailed definition of a job.

The following figure illustrates how execution agents are used.

Figure 5‒3: Overview of execution agents


You can specify an execution agent for any of the following units:


For flexible jobs, replace execution agent with relay agent.


The service for executing HTTP connection jobs is fixed to Standard.

Note that this applies only when Standard is selected for Exec. Service in the detailed definition of a job.

You can change an agent host name, or use a different agent host, without changing the job definition. On the manager host, you simply change the physical host name that the execution agent is mapped to.

Figure 5‒4: Using execution agents: Example 1


If an application needs to be executed at more than one site, you simply define the execution agents separately at each manager host, without having to change the job definition.

Figure 5‒5: Using execution agents: Example 2


To map an execution agent with the host name of an agent host, use the ajsagtadd command. To map a previously defined execution agent with a different agent host, use the ajsagtalt command.

You can also use the Web GUI (Job Portal) to create and change the definition of the mapping between execution agents and their host names.