
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.5.14 Automatically switching a jobnet definition at a specified time

You can automatically switch the definition of a registered jobnet at a specified time.

The functionality for automatically switching a jobnet definition at a specified time is called releasing a jobnet. Using this functionality, you define the jobnet in advance, and preset the date and time at which the definition is to apply. The jobnet definition is then switched automatically. The jobnet release function is useful when you want to:

You can perform release operations using JP1/AJS3 - View or the ajsrelease command. For the procedure using JP1/AJS3 - View, see 9.14 Switching definitions of a running jobnet according to a plan (jobnet release) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. For the command operation, see ajsrelease in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Overview of using the jobnet release function

To change a jobnet definition using the release function, you must define both the jobnet you want to replace, and the jobnet you want to replace it with. Run the first jobnet in the usual way by registering it for execution. In the other jobnet, specify what jobnet it is to replace and the timing. When the specified time arrives, the jobnet definition is switched as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4‒43: Overview of using the jobnet release function


The registration of a predefined jobnet to replace an active jobnet at a specified time is referred to as a release entry. The predefined jobnet to be switched in is referred to as the release source jobnet, and the active jobnet to be replaced is referred to as the release target jobnet. The action of switching the jobnet definition at the time specified in the release entry is referred to as release.

(2) Process of releasing a jobnet definition

Under the jobnet release function, the jobnet definitions are distinguished by release ID. When you register the release source jobnet, in addition to its release ID, you specify the release date and time (for switching jobnet definitions) and the release target jobnet (the active jobnet that is to be replaced).

At release entry, the definition of the release source jobnet is copied and associated with the specified release ID. When the specified release time arrives, the jobnet definition associated with the release ID is released and replaces that of the active release target jobnet.

The jobnet definition copied at release entry is managed as one of the definitions of the release target jobnet. Since it is a copy, you can edit or delete the release source jobnet definition without affecting the release target jobnet. However, because the original release source jobnet is the master copy used when changing the definition of the release target jobnet, make a backup copy of the definition as needed. For details about using the jobnet release function, see 7.3.8 Using the jobnet release function in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

The following figure illustrates how a jobnet definition is switched using the jobnet release function.

Figure 4‒44: Example of releasing a jobnet


In this example, the definition of Jobnet B is to be released at 00:00 on 4/2 for Jobnet A. Jobnet B is registered with the release ID 001 and the release time of 00:00 on 4/2, thereby generating the following two release IDs:


The release ID associated with the definition of the active jobnet. This release ID is created automatically at release entry.#


The release ID associated with the copied definition of Jobnet B, the release source jobnet.

The AJS_AUTO definition applies until 23:59 on 4/1. At 00:00 on 4/2, the copied definition of Jobnet B associated with release ID 001 is released and replaces the Jobnet A definition. The jobnet name remains as Jobnet A after release.


Release ID AJS_AUTO is created only at release entry and is not created at any subsequent release entry. For details about the jobnet status and status transitions after release entry, see 7.3.3 Jobnet status after registration of a jobnet-definition release in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

For details about the jobnet release function, see 7.3 Switching a jobnet definition while the jobnet is registered for execution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.