
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.5.8 Temporarily changing the priority of a jobnet

You can temporarily change the priority of a jobnet that is registered for execution. This applies only to lower-level jobs without a specified execution priority. Jobs that have a specified priority are unaffected.

You cannot change the priority of a job that is already running.

The temporarily changed priority is invalid once the job completes, except if the job is rerun.

Execution priority can set none or 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest priority, and 5 is the highest. For Unix jobs or HTTP connection jobs that are executed on Linux hosts, you can specify a priority of 4 or 5 only if the OS user who will execute the job has superuser privileges. If the execution priority of a job and the priority of a jobnet are set to None, the execution priority is assumed to be the value specified for the DEFAULTPRIORITY environment setting parameter when the job or jobnet is executed.

For details about the DEFAULTPRIORITY environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(108) DEFAULTPRIORITY in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

The following table shows execution priority values and their meanings.

Table 4‒5: Execution priority values and their meanings


Priority in Windows

Priority in UNIX


Lower than interactive processing

JP1/AJS3 service nice value +20


JP1/AJS3 service nice value +10


Same as interactive processing

JP1/AJS3 service nice value


Higher than interactive processing

JP1/AJS3 service nice value -10


JP1/AJS3 service nice value -20


In Windows, three priority levels are available. You can set the following three priority classes to start job processes:

  • If you set 1 or 2 as the execution priority value for a job, the job is executed when the system is idle (IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, which is defined in Windows, is set).

  • If you set 3 as the execution priority value for a job, the job is executed as a general process (NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, which is defined in Windows, is set).

  • If you set 4 or 5 as the execution priority value for a job, the job is executed before the threads of the processes assigned the above priority classes (HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, which is defined in Windows, is set).

In UNIX, JP1/AJS3 service's nice value used when jajs_spmd command is executed is used as the default (base) nice value. When the JP1/AJS3 service's nice value has not been set, 20 is assumed as the nice value.

For example, when the priority setting is 1 and the nice value is 20, the priority value is calculated as follows:

39 [Figure] 20 (default) + 20 (increment)

If the resulting value is not within the possible nice value range (0-39), the maximum value is 39, and the minimum value is 0.

If Queueless Agent is selected as the execution service, you can set only 39, 30, 20, 10, or 0 as a nice value, according to the job execution priority; 0 corresponds to the highest execution priority. When you change the nice value, you must specify the job execution priority corresponding to the nice value.

You can perform this operation using either the GUI, or the ajsplan command. For details on using the GUI, see 9.8 Temporarily changing the execution priority of jobnets in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. Alternatively, for details on the ajsplan command, see the description of ajsplan in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.