
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.4.3 Statistical information

Simulation is performed based on statistical information. For details on execution simulation, see 4.4.2(2) Execution simulation.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Statistical information and simulation

The execution time of a unit is calculated by averaging the time of normally terminated executions of the unit. The total normally terminated execution time and the total number of normally terminated executions are stored as statistical information for each root jobnet.

The following figure shows management of statistical information.

Figure 4‒28: Management of statistical information


Statistical information such as that shown above is used to perform simulation.

In this example, the average execution times of Job1, Job2, and Job3 in Jobnet1 are 60 seconds, 70 seconds, and 30 seconds, respectively. When the execution order of these jobs is Job1, Job2, and Job3 and the start time of Job1 is 12:00:00, the start time of Job2 is 12:01:00, and the start time of Job3 is 12:02:10. Execution simulation is performed for each root jobnet.

(2) Deleting statistical information

The statistical information of a root jobnet is stored until registration of the root jobnet is canceled. When registration of the root jobnet is canceled, all of the statistical information for the root jobnet stored up to that point is deleted.

(3) Statistical information and the number of logs to keep

Statistical information and the number of logs to keep do not depend on each other. Statistical information also includes results for generations deleted when the number of logs to keep is exceeded. Statistical information is used for simulation.

For example, assume that you have a job in a root jobnet whose number of logs to keep is 1, and the job is executed three times. In this case, if the execution times of the executions are as shown below, the average execution time is 20 seconds. Simulation uses 20 seconds as the execution time.

1st execution: 10 seconds

2nd execution: 20 seconds

3rd execution: 30 seconds

For details on the number of logs to keep, see 4.2.3 Jobnet generation management.