
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.4.1 Checking a jobnet schedule

You can check the schedule of a jobnet registered for execution in the following JP1/AJS3 - View windows:

The following provides a brief introduction to checking schedules in these two windows. For details on window operations, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

You can also check the schedule of a jobnet on the Monthly Schedule screen of the Web GUI (Job Portal). For details about Monthly Schedule screen, see 15.2.7 Monthly Schedule screen in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Checking schedules in the Daily Schedule window

In the Daily Schedule window, you can check the execution schedules, status, and results of the jobnets and jobs scheduled for a specific day.

The following figure shows the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.

Figure 4‒21: Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window


The Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window is divided into hours of the day. Here you can check the daily schedules, their execution status and results. In the schedule area, the gray part shows past schedules and the white part shows future schedules. When you click a unit schedule in the gray area, the execution result list displays detailed information about that unit's execution results or status. When you click a schedule in the white area, you can view detailed information about that unit's execution schedule. But generations without execution IDs do not appear in the execution result list.

The execution result list shows the start time and end time of each of the listed units. For details on the start and end times appearing here, see 4.4.2(2) Execution simulation.

By double-clicking on a schedule in the schedule area, or on a unit in the execution result list, you can view a detailed schedule for that unit.

The following figure shows the Detailed Schedule dialog box.

Figure 4‒22: Detailed Schedule dialog box


(2) Checking schedules in the Monthly Schedule window

In the Monthly Schedule window, you can check the execution schedules, status, and results of the jobnets and jobs scheduled for a specific month. You can also display the execution schedules of jobnets or jobs that have not been registered for execution to check the definition of the schedule information.

The following figure shows the Monthly Schedule window.

Figure 4‒23: Monthly Schedule window


The Monthly Schedule window shows the date and the day of the week for each day of the month. Here you can check the schedules for each unit during the month, their scheduled times and execution status. In the schedule area, the gray part shows past schedules and the white part shows future schedules.

You can view a detailed schedule for a unit by double-clicking a schedule name in the schedule area or a unit name in the execution result list. For the Detailed Schedule dialog box, see Figure 4-22.

The following describes how execution schedules are displayed before and after execution registration.

(a) How execution schedules are displayed before execution registration

A triangle appearing in the schedule area indicates the execution schedules of units that have not been registered for execution. Note that by default, the execution schedules of unregistered units are not displayed. For details about how to display these execution schedules, see 6.4 Checking a defined schedule in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

Note that when you display the execution schedules of units that have not been registered for execution, by default, the detailed information is not displayed in the execution result list. For details about how to display the detailed information, see 11.9.8 Displaying the execution schedule of unregistered units in the execution result list in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

When you display the detailed information in the execution result list, the start time for each unit is displayed. Note that because the start time for units that have not been registered for execution is calculated without taking into consideration the sequence of preceding/succeeding or upper/lower units, the schedule definition information is displayed as is.

(b) How execution schedules are displayed after execution registration

A square appearing in the schedule area indicates a dummy schedule (an execution schedule that has not been finalized) for a jobnet registered for planned execution or for fixed execution with a specified generation count. Circles indicate the finalized execution schedules for a jobnet registered for period-based fixed execution, or execution schedules corresponding to the generation count specified for generation-based fixed execution.

If you select the schedule of a unit in the gray portion of the schedule area, you can check the detailed information of the execution result or execution status in the execution result list. If you select the schedule of a unit in the white portion of the schedule area, you can check the detailed information of the execution schedule in the execution result list. Note, however, that generations that do not have an execution ID are not displayed.

The execution result list shows the start time and end time of each of the listed units. For details on the start and end times appearing here, see 4.4.2(2) Execution simulation.