
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.1.2 Specifying macro variables during registration for execution

During registration for execution, you can specify macro variable names and their values (passing information). If the specified macro variable names are used in a subordinate unit, they are replaced with the specified values at runtime. With this function, you only have to create one jobnet for a number of jobnets that are the same except for some parameters. For example, to change an environment variable at each execution of a jobnet, you needed to script the following three steps for each execution: copying the jobnet (ajscopy command), changing the environment variable (ajschange command), and registering the jobnet for execution (ajsentry command). If you use a macro variable, however, you can perform this simply by specifying a desired value during registration for execution. The following figure shows how information is passed via a macro variable specified during registration for execution.

Figure 4‒8: How information is passed via a macro variable specified during registration for execution


To specifying macro variables during registration for execution, use JP1/AJS3 - View, the Web GUI (Job Portal), the API, and the ajsentry commands. For details about how to specify the value of a macro variable, see the relevant sections in the following manuals:

For details about macro variables see 2.2.6 Considerations regarding the use of macro variables in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Handling of the macro variable specified during registration for execution

The following describes how the macro variable specified during registration for execution is treated.

(2) Restart

The following sections describe the behavior when the system is restarted.

(a) When the service start mode is set to "Cold"

Only the jobnet and job definition information immediately before the restart has occurred is inherited, and all the jobnets are unregistered. Therefore, the macro variable names and values specified during registration for execution are canceled.

(b) When the service start mode is set to "Warm"

The jobnet is placed in the Interrupted status. A jobnet that has not been started is executed according to its schedule, and the macro variable name and value specified during registration for execution are applied. For a jobnet abnormally terminated by a warm start, check the status, and then re-execute the jobnet manually. When the jobnet is re-executed, the macro variable names and values specified during registration for execution are applied.

(c) When the service start mode is set to "Hot"

The status immediately before the restart is inherited. If the actual job status was successfully acquired, the jobnet is automatically resumed based on the definition, and the macro variable names and values specified during registration for execution are applied. If JP1/AJS3 has failed to acquire information from the server where the job was executed, JP1/AJS3 places the job in the Abnormal end status. If this has occurred, check the job status, and then re-execute the jobnet manually. When the jobnet is re-executed, the macro variable names and values specified during registration for execution are applied.

(d) When the service start mode is set to "Disaster recovery start"

The jobnet is placed in the Interrupted status. Execution of a jobnet that has not been started is suppressed. When the jobnet is run after suppression is canceled, the macro variable name and value that were specified during execution registration are applied. For a jobnet abnormally terminated by a disaster recovery start, check the status, and then re-execute the jobnet manually. When the jobnet is re-executed, the macro variable names and values specified during registration for execution are applied.

(3) Cautionary Notes

This subsection provides notes on specifying macro variables during registration for execution.