
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

3.3.1 Time formats and schedule rules for root jobnets

A root jobnet can be run on a 24-hour schedule or 48-hour schedule.

Organization of this subsection

(1) 24-hour schedule

The following figure shows the valid range of a root jobnet that uses a 24-hour schedule.

Figure 3‒26: Root jobnet using a 24-hour schedule (base time 0:00)


When the root jobnet is based on a 24-hour time format, a jobnet that is set to start at 24:00 or later (between 24:00 and 47:59) will be treated as scheduled for the following day. For example, suppose that the scheduled start time is 25:00 on August 1. Because this setting exceeds the valid range of the root jobnet, the jobnet is treated as starting at 1:00 on August 2. The jobnet will also be shown as scheduled for August 2 when you check it in the Monthly Schedule window.

Supplementary note

Although a jobnet due to start at 24:00 or later will be treated as scheduled for the next day when the root jobnet is based on a 24-hour time format, the calendar is executed according to the settings for the current day. For example, if the jobnet's scheduled start time is 25:00 on August 1, it will be treated as starting at 1:00 on August 2, but will be shown on the calendar as set for August 1. If August 1 is an open day, the jobnet will be executed on August 2 even if it is a closed day. If August 1 is a closed day, the jobnet will not be executed on August 2 even if it is an open day.

(2) 48-hour schedule

The following figure shows the valid range of a root jobnet that uses a 48-hour schedule.

Figure 3‒27: Root jobnet using a 48-hour schedule (base time 0:00)


When the root jobnet is based on a 48-hour time format, the period from 0:00 to 47:59 (with base time 0:00) is handled as one day. For example, a jobnet that is set to start at 25:00 on August 1 will be handled as scheduled for August 1. The jobnet will also be shown as scheduled for August 1 when you check it in the Monthly Schedule window.

Supplementary notes
  • We recommend that you use the 48-hour schedule for jobnets that extend over two days, or are executed at or after 24:00. Time management in a 48-hour schedule whose base time is not 0:00 is complex, and the time to be specified might be different from the JP1/AJS3 operation time. Accordingly, we recommend that you do not change the base time from 0:00 when you use a 48-hour schedule. For details, see the explanation about setting an execution start time in 3.3.2(1) Defining a schedule rule, and 3.5.1(1) Defining an application that extends over two days using a 48-hour schedule in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

  • If the root jobnet is operating on a 48-hour basis and 1 day is defined as the timeout period of the root jobnet, the handling of the timeout period changes according to the scheduled start time as follows:

    - If the scheduled start time is from 0:00 to 23:59 (base time is 0:00):

    The 1 day in the valid range of the 24-hour-based schedule is used as the timeout period of the schedule.

    - If the scheduled start time is from 24:00 to 47:59 (base time is 0:00):

    The 1 day in the valid range of the 48-hour-based schedule is used as the timeout period of the schedule.

    For details, see the description of the timeout period in 3.1.1(2) Jobnets and 3.5.1(1) Defining an application that extends over two days using a 48-hour schedule in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

(3) Time format of nested jobnets

Nested jobnets run on a 48-hour schedule regardless of whether the root jobnet is based on a 24-hour or 48-hour schedule.

(a) Root jobnet based on a 24-hour schedule

The following figure shows the valid range of a nested jobnet when the root jobnet uses a 24-hour schedule.

Figure 3‒28: Valid range of a nested jobnet based on a 24-hour schedule (base time 0:00)


Although the root jobnet has a valid range of 24 hours, the nested jobnet has a valid range of 48 hours. Therefore, if the start time for both jobnets is set to 24:00 or later (between 24:00 and 47:59), their execution dates will differ. For example, if both jobnets are set to start at 25:00 on August 1, the root jobnet will be scheduled for August 2, whereas the nested jobnet will be handled as executing on August 1.

Furthermore, because the two execution dates are different, the nested jobnet will not appear in the Daily Schedule window or Monthly Schedule window when you check its execution schedule.

(b) Root jobnet based on a 48-hour schedule

The following figure shows the valid range of a nested jobnet when the root jobnet uses a 48-hour schedule.

Figure 3‒29: Valid range of a nested jobnet based on a 48-hour schedule (base time 0:00)


When the root jobnet uses a 48-hour schedule, the nested jobnet and root jobnet will have the same valid range. Therefore, even if the start time for both jobnets is set to 24:00 or later (between 24:00 and 47:59), their execution dates will be the same.

In this case, the nested jobnet schedule will appear in both the Daily Schedule and Monthly Schedule windows.

From the above discussion, we recommend that you use the 48-hour time format for the root jobnet when setting an execution schedule that starts at or after 24:00.