
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

3.1.4 Creating a job flow

A job flow is easy to create in the Jobnet Editor window of JP1/AJS3 - View.

In the Jobnet Editor window, you can easily create a job flow simply by linking jobs with arrows called relations. For details on JP1/AJS3 - View operations, see 5. Defining Jobnets in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

Figure 3‒17: Example of creating a job flow in the Jobnet Editor window


A variety of job flows can be created, depending on how the jobs are sequenced and inter-related. Some examples of job flow creation are provided below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Single processing path

Job 1, Job 2, and Job 3 are executed sequentially in a single processing path. The job flow is created as follows:

Figure 3‒18: Job flow in a single path


(2) Multiple processing paths

The following figure shows an example of creating a job flow in multiple processing paths.

Figure 3‒19: Job flow in multiple paths


When Job A is executed, the processing branches into two paths: Job A -- Job B -- Job C, and Job A -- Job D -- Job E.

(3) Nested jobnet

You can use nested jobnets in a job flow. Examples of using nested jobnets are shown below.

Nesting a jobnet

The following figure shows an example of nesting a jobnet within the job flow.

Figure 3‒20: Example of nesting a jobnet


When Job A completes execution, the jobs defined in Jobnet 1 are executed. When processing of Jobnet 1 is finished, Job B is executed.

Grouping multiple jobs

The following figure shows an example of grouping multiple jobs into nested jobnets.

Figure 3‒21: Example of grouping multiple jobs into nested jobnets


Joining two paths

Using a nested jobnet, you can join two processing paths into a single path.

The following figure shows an example of joining the paths Daily process 1 -- Daily process 2, and Daily process 1 -- Monthly process -- Daily process 2, into one flow.

Figure 3‒22: Joining jobnets into one flow


Because the two daily processes are executed every day and the monthly process is executed only once a month, JP1/AJS3 will skip any jobnet not scheduled for a particular day. This means that the two paths can be joined into one path.

(4) Sequencing jobs in different jobnets

In JP1/AJS3, you cannot use relation lines to sequence jobs among different jobnets. If you want to sequence jobs among jobnets, create a job flow by using one of the following methods:

The following figure shows examples of sequencing jobs among different jobnets.

Figure 3‒23: Examples of sequencing jobs among different jobnets

