
JP1 Version 13 Job Management: Getting Started (Job Scheduler)

4.4.2 Defining schedule rules for a jobnet

Define schedule rules for a jobnet to set the start date and processing cycle for the jobnet.


Define a jobnet.


  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), in function menu area, select Schedule Definition.


  2. In the tree area, select the job group. In the list area, select the jobnet.

  3. Select Edit and then Schedule.

    The Schedule Settings dialog box appears.

  4. Set the schedule information.


    The following describes the major setting items:


    Setting item



    Schedule rules

    Add, delete, or change the schedule rule. Multiple schedule rules can be registered.


    Valid term

    Specify the valid term for the schedule rule.

  5. In Schedule rules, click the line for #1.

    The Schedule Rule dialog box appears.

  6. Define the schedule rule.


    The following describes the major setting items:


    Setting item




    Select the type of the jobnet start date from the following:

    • Registered day

      The start date is the date on which the jobnet is registered for execution.

    • Absolute day

      The start date is the date specified by a calendar date (months begin with the 1st day).

    • Relative day

      Calculate the start date by counting the specified number of days from the base day#.

    • Open day

      Calculate the start date by counting the specified number of open days from the base day#.

    • Closed day

      Calculate the start date by counting the specified number of closed days from the base day#.


    Start year and month

    Set the year and month when jobnet execution starts.


    Start day

    Select a designation method of the start date from the following:

    • Specify day

      Specify the start date by a date.

    • Specify end of month

      Specify the start date by the number of days before the end of the month.

    • Specify day of the week

      Specify the start date by a day of the week.


    Start time

    Select the start time from the following:

    • Absolute time

      Absolute time is the actual time (system time). Specify the start time by the time on a clock.

    • Relative time

      Calculate the start time by counting the specified period of time from the base time#.


    Processing cycle

    Specify this item if you execute the jobnet on a regular basis.


    The start day of a month is called the base date, and the start time of a day is called the base time. The base day defaults to the 1st day of the month, and the base time defaults to 00:00. However, these values can be changed to fit the operation.

    For example, if you want to start the execution of the jobnet at 9:00 on January 20, 2016, and execute the jobnet once a week at 9:00 on the same day of the week, specify as follows:


    Setting item




    Specify Absolute day.


    Start year and month

    Specify 2016/1.


    Start day

    Specify Specify day and 20th day.


    Start time

    Specify Absolute time and 09:00.


    Processing cycle

    Select Execution in cycle, and then specify Execution every 1 Week.


  7. Click the OK button.

    The Schedule Rule dialog box closes.

  8. In the Schedule Settings dialog box, click the OK button.

    The Schedule Settings dialog box closes.


The schedule rule is set for the jobnet.


Execute the jobnet.

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