
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

E.1 Resources (Computer group)

The following table lists those resources in the Computer group which can be collected by SSO.

Table E‒1: Resources (Computer group)

Resource: Resource ID

Subresource: Subresource ID


Resource directory


Computer Summary: 40#

Host Name: 1



System host name

System Up-Time: 2



Time elapsed since the system started

System Location: 3



System location

System Contact: 4



System administrator contact info

Operating System Summary: 41#

OS Name: 1



Operating system name

(Windows 2000 is displayed when the OS of the agent is Windows 2000 or later.)

OS Version: 2



Operating system version

System Description: 3



System explanation

Process Summary: 42#

PID: 1



Process ID




Parent process ID

UID: 3



Process user ID

Priority: 4



Process priority

User Name: 5



Name of the user who started the system

User CPU: 6



Process time spent in user mode

System CPU: 7



Process time spent in system (kernel) mode

Start Command: 8



Command line character string that started the process

Status: 9



Process status: sleep (1), run (2), stop (3), zombie (4), other (5), or idle (6)

Data Size: 10



Data area size

Text Size: 11



Text area size

Stack Size: 12



Stack area size

Nice: 13



Nice value

TTY Major: 14



Control terminal major number

TTY Minor: 15



Control terminal minor number

Group ID: 16



Process group ID

Process Address: 17



User area address

(physical memory address if the process is loaded into memory or disk address if the process is swapped out)

CPU Utilization: 18



Processor utilization for scheduling

Up-Time: 19



Time elapsed since the process has started

Process Flag: 20



Process flag: incore (1), sys (2), locked (4), trace (8), or trace2 (16)

Sleep Address: 21



Address where the processor sleeps

Last Processor: 22



Processor that last executed the process

In-Core Time: 23



In-core time used by the process

Time Slice CPU: 24



Number of CPU ticks used by the process during the current time slice

Total CPU: 25



Number of CPU ticks used by the process since the process was generated

FSS Group ID: 26



Uniform allocation scheduler ID to which the process belongs

In-Core CPU Utilization: 27



Percentage of the CPU time to the in-core time elapsed

In-Core Pages: 28



Number of in-core loaded pages

SUID: 29



Actual process user ID

CPU Load Average: 1

CPU Load Average 1 Min: 1



Average 1-minute load for the entire computer

CPU Load Average 5 Min: 2

Average 5-minute load for the entire computer

CPU Load Average 15 Min: 3

Average 15-minute load for the entire computer

CPU Utilization: 2

Total CPU: 1



Total CPU utilization for the entire computer

User CPU: 2

CPU utilization for users on the entire computer

System CPU: 3

CPU utilization for the system on the entire computer

Wait CPU: 4

CPU's wait on the entire computer

System Table Entries: 3

Process: 1



Number of process table entries currently in use

i Node: 2

Number of i-node table entries currently in use

File: 3

Number of file table entries currently in use

File System I/Os: 4

read: 1



Number of bytes that were transferred during an all-read operation

write: 2

Number of bytes that were transferred during an all-write operation

Run Queue Length: 38

Run Queue Length: 1



Processor queue/Instantaneous length, represented by the number of threads

System Calls: 7

System Calls: 1



Number of system calls issued

Interruptions: 10

Interruptions: 1



Number of device (hardware) interruptions

Context Switches: 11

Context Switches: 1



Number of context switches

Active Processes: 22

Wait for Execution: 1



Number of non-system processes that have been loaded into system storage and are waiting for execution

Wait for Transfer: 2

Number of processes that are waiting for data transfer from disks

Wait for Page In: 3

Number of processes that are waiting for page-in from disks

Sleep: 4

Number of sleeping processes in physical memory

(This quantity does not include processes that are sleeping while waiting for I/O or processes that have slept continuously for at least 20 seconds)

Swap Out: 5

Number of swapped-out processes (processes that will begin waiting for execution as soon as they are swapped in)

Process Size: 23

Total Physical Memory: 1



Size of the physical memory that has been allocated for text, data, and stacks used by all processes within the system

Wait Physical Memory: 2

Size of the physical memory allocated for all processes waiting for execution

Total Virtual Memory: 3

Size of the virtual memory that has been allocated for text, data, and stacks used by all non-system processes within the system

Wait Virtual Memory: 4

Size of the virtual memory allocated for all processes waiting for execution

Login Users: 70

Login Users: 1



Number of users logged into the system

# This table lists summary information that can only be viewed in the Resource Browser window.