
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.18 Threshold definition file (ssothreshold.conf)

In the threshold definition file, define the initial value of a fixed threshold for threshold monitoring.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The following shows the format of the threshold definition file.


(2) Details of resource definition

Key name



Specify a resource ID#1.



Specify whether to perform the threshold check on collected data for all subresources. Write Y to perform the check or N to not perform the check.

#1: For the correspondence between resource IDs and resources, see E. Resource IDs.

#2: Some resources might require you to specify Y.

When coding a resource definition, note the following:

(3) Details of subresource definition

Key name




Specify whether to perform the threshold check on collected data for each subresource. Write Y to perform the check or N to not perform the check. Definition of this key overrides the definition of threshold_monitoring.


((0, or integer or floating decimal point (double precision number) between ±1.00 x 10-2 to ±1.7976931348623157 x 10127))

Specify the warning threshold and critical threshold. Delimit each threshold with a semicolon (;).


<<1;1>> ((1 to 99))

Specify the number of times the warning threshold can be exceeded continuously and number of times the critical threshold can be exceeded continuously. Delimit each continuous over count with a semicolon (;).

#: Some subresources might require you to specify Y.

When coding a subresource definition, note the following:

(4) Example

The following shows an example of a threshold definition file.
