
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.8 ssocolmng action definition file (ssocolmng.def)

The ssocolmng action definition file contains definitions of ssocolmng daemon process actions. If you have made any changes in this definition file, perform one of the following operations to validate these changes:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The following is an example of an ssocolmng action definition file.


When coding definitions in an ssocolmng action definition file, note the following:

(2) Description

The next table lists the items that must be or can be defined in an ssocolmng action definition file.

Key name




Specify whether to issue the resource status change event to NNMi. To issue the event, specify on. To not issue the event, specify off. Even when on is specified, the incidents that are filtered with the event filter definition file (ssoevtfilter.conf) will not be issued. Note that if off is specified, no event is issued even when destinations are specified in the event destination definition file (ssodest.conf).



Specify whether to issue the collection status change event to NNMi. To issue the event, specify on. To not issue the event, specify off. Even when on is specified, the incidents that are filtered with the event filter definition file (ssoevtfilter.conf) will not be issued. Note that if off is specified, no event is issued even when destinations are specified in the event destination definition file (ssodest.conf).



Specify whether to use the NNMi map cooperation function (action cooperation). To use the function, specify on. To not use the function, specify off.



Specify whether to use the NNMi map cooperation function (symbol cooperation). To use the function, specify on. To not use the function, specify off.



Specify the NNMi node status that corresponds to the warning-level application status for the NNMi map cooperation function (symbol cooperation). The warning-level application status can correspond to the warning, minor, major, or critical NNMi node status. For the correspondence between the application status on SSO and the status registered with NNMi, see 2.6.3(2) Correspondence between the statuses managed in SSO and the severity statuses registered in NNMi.



Specify the NNMi node status that corresponds to the critical-level application status for the NNMi map cooperation function (symbol cooperation). The caution-level application status can correspond to the major or critical NNMi node status. For the correspondence between the application status on SSO and the status registered with NNMi, see 2.6.3(2) Correspondence between the statuses managed in SSO and the severity statuses registered in NNMi.


<<32>> ((1 to 99))

Specify the maximum number of concurrent sessions with the GUI and commands#2 to connect to the ssocolmng daemon process.

Note that, when creating a report, as many ssoextractlog commands as the number of report conditions start concurrently.



When the monitoring manager has multiple IP addresses or when it is operating in a cluster system, specify the operating IP address of SSO in the n.n.n.n format. (n is an integer from 0 to 255.) In other cases, specify none.

  • When the monitoring manager has multiple IP addresses:

    Specify an IP address at which SSO can communicate with the monitoring server. You can freely select one of the monitoring manager's IP addresses at which SSO can communicate with the monitoring server.

  • When operating SSO in a cluster system:

    Specify a logical IP address.

The operating IP address of SSO defined in the ssoapmon action definition file is the IP address of collection database monitoring manager. The IP address is used for the following purposes:

  • Collection database name

  • Display of collection data list in the Resource Data Reference window

  • Display of ssoextractlog -list command results


<<4>> ((1 to 32 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of a log file.


<<3>> ((1 to 10))

Specify the number of the log files.



Specify whether to output a trace file for troubleshooting at failure occurrence. To output the trace file, specify on. To not output the trace file, specify off.


<<4>> ((1 to 32 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of a trace file.


<<3>> ((1 to 10))

Specify the number of the trace files.



Specify whether to output an SNMP packet dump for troubleshooting at failure occurrence. To output the SNMP packet dump, specify on. To not output the SNMP packet dump, specify off.


<<8>> ((0 to 99 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of the SNMP packet dump trace file.

When 0 is specified, the trace is acquired without limiting the file size.


<<4>> ((1 to 32 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of an incident logging file.


<<3>> ((1 to 10))

Specify the number of the incident logging files.



Specify whether to suppress the resource status change event (SSO_Resource_Monitor_Normal incident) that is to be issued when the initial resource status is determined to be in the normal region after resource collection (threshold monitoring) starts. Specify on to suppress the event. Specify off to not suppress the event.


<<0>> ((0 to 60 seconds))

Specify the interval at which to restart resource collection at SSO startup in units of the number of monitored servers specified by sso-start-collect-unit. If you specify 1 or larger value for this key, you can distribute the CPU load and communication load on the monitoring manager host at SSO startup. When you intend to distribute the loads, specify a value for this key as a rough standard that meets the following condition:

Value-of-this-key-(in seconds)minimum-collection-interval-(in seconds) / number-of-monitored-servers x value-of-the-sso-start-collect-unit-key


<<1>> ((1 to 32))

Specify the number of monitored servers for which to sequentially restart resource collection at SSO startup at the interval specified by sso-start-collect-interval.

get-specific-instance:#1, #3, #4

<<none>> ((1 to 2147483647))

When you collect resources from a specific instance, specify the resource ID to acquire only the MIB object of the specific instance.

When specifying multiple resource IDs, delimit them with a comma (,). You can specify a range of resource IDs by using a hyphen (-). You cannot enter a tab or space in the specified string.

Example: 10000,11000-12000

When none is specified, the MIB objects of all instances are acquired. When all is specified, this definition is valid for all resources.

Specify a value within 2,047 bytes from the top of the line.


<<max-db-size x 0.9 megabytes>>#5 ((0 to 2048 megabytes))

As the alert size of each collection database, specify a value that is no more than the maximum collection database size (value of the max-db-size key). If the size of a collection database exceeds the value specified here, the database alert size excess event (SSO_Resource_Excess_Alert_DB_Size) is issued.#6 Note that this event is not issued if the specified size is 0 or equal to the maximum size.


<<2048>> ((1 to 2048 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of each collection database. When the size of a collection database reaches the value specified here, the database maximum size excess event (SSO_Resource_Excess_Max_DB_Size) is issued#6, and action is taken according to the specification of the max-db-size-action key.


<<1>> ((1 or 2))

Specify the action to be taken if the size of a collection database reaches the maximum size. The specifiable values are 1 or 2.

1: Do not save collected data.

2: Back up the current collection database#7, and then create a new one.

Note that SSO resumes saving collected data when the size of the collection database becomes less than the maximum size.



Specify whether to output a function trace for investigation of a failure. To output a function trace, specify on. To not output a function trace, specify off. Note that if on is specified for the func-trace: key, the amount of memory used by the ssocolmng process increases by 5 MB, and a 5-MB function trace dump file is output.



Specify whether to monitor the resource collection interval for regular resource collection. If successive resource collection delays exceed the number of times specified for the check-colinterval-count key, the system considers resource collection delayed. To enable monitoring, specify on. To disable monitoring, specify off.

If resource collection is considered delayed, an audit log entry that indicates a delay is output. Running ssocolshow command with the -ds option specified displays the delay status and delay time (in seconds) for the target resource.

If the delay status is cleared while the resource collection status is Collecting, an audit log entry that indicates recovery from the delay is output.


<<25 seconds>> ((1 to 86400 seconds))

Specify the number of seconds before resource collection is to be considered delayed. If the specified value is exceeded, the system considers resource collection delayed.


<<3 times>> ((1 to 99 times))

Specify the number of times the value (in seconds) specified for the check-colinterval-sec key is to be exceeded successively. The system determines whether collection is delayed depending on whether the number of successive delays in resource collection reaches the value specified here.

If you specify 1, the system considers resource collection delayed when a delay in resource collection occurs only once.

nnm-start-policy: #1

<<0>> ((0 or 1))

Specify using 0 or 1 the operation of the ssocolmng daemon process for when there is a failure to acquire NNMi linkage information (node information) while starting up SSO.

  • 0: Do not stop the daemon process.

  • 1: Stop the daemon process.

#1: If you change the value of this item, you must restart the ssocolmng daemon process.

#2: The following lists the GUI windows and commands to connect to the ssocolmng daemon process:

  • Resource Browser window

  • Resource Data Reference window

  • Resource Reference window

  • Resource Configuration window

  • Threshold verification window

  • ssocolchk command

  • ssocolmng command

  • ssocolset command

  • ssocolshow command

  • ssocolstart command

  • ssocolstop command

  • ssodbcheck command

  • ssodbdel command

  • ssoextractlog command

#3: When this setting is enabled and a resource that meets all the conditions below is collected, the resource value is undefined if the resource is collected right after the number of instances of the collection target MIB object has changed.

  • The resource is a user resource.

  • The MIB object ID of instance is not unique to the entity (instance) because of the specification of the collection target agent (for example, serial numbers of existing instances are always used as MIB object IDs).

  • The definition of the resource in the user resource definition file includes the definition of a subresource Counter-type MIB object.

When this setting is disabled, collection of the resource that meets the above conditions is skipped right after the number of instances has changed.

#4: You cannot collect only specific instances as resources from the SNMP agent in which SysUpTime (mib-2.1.3) is not installed.

#5: Round the product down to the nearest integer.

#6: The database alert/maximum size excess event is issued each time resources are collected if the specified value is exceeded.

#7: The backed-up collection database is created as a copy database with the serial number 99999. If a copy database with the serial number 99999 already exists, the existing copy database is overwritten with the new one.