
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


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To restore files or databases provided by SSO:
ssorestore {-all | -conf | -db}
           [-clear] [-d restore-source-directory]
To output the command usage:
ssorestore -h


The ssorestore command restores SSO files and databases that were backed up by the ssobackup command. For details about the restore function, see 2.7.2 Restore function.

If you execute the ssorestore command while a daemon process is running, the command terminates abnormally. Therefore, make sure that you stop all the daemon processes before executing the command.

The ssorestore command restores files first and databases second. The command can also restore either files or databases. For details about restore targets, see 2.7.3 Backup targets and restore targets.

The ssorestore command overwrites a file to be restored unless the -clear option is specified. Therefore, if a file other than SSO files or databases exists in the directory to be restored in the SSO installation directory, the file remains as is.

If you execute the ssorestore command during execution of the following commands and operations, the command terminates abnormally.

ssostart, ssostop, ssobackup, ssorestore, ssoauth, ssonnmsetup, starts the SSO services

Likewise, if you execute the following commands or operations during execution of the ssorestore command, the commands or operations terminate abnormally:

ssostart, ssobackup, ssorestore, ssoauth, ssonnmsetup, starts the SSO services



Specify this option when you restore both files and databases. To specify this option, the backup data of the files and databases is needed. If the backup data does not exist, the command terminates abnormally.


Specify this option when you restore only files. To specify this option, the backup data of the files is needed. If the backup data does not exist, the command terminates abnormally.


Specify this option when you restore only databases. To specify this option, the backup data of the databases is needed. If the backup data does not exist, the command terminates abnormally.


Specify this option when you delete the directory to be restored in the SSO installation destination.

If you specify this option, the restore destination is totally replaced by the backup data. If you do not specify this option, the command overwrites files to be restored.

If the directory to be restored contains a file other than SSO files, or you do not want to delete the latest database, do not specify this option.

-d restore-source-directory

Specifies a directory in which the restore-source backup data is stored. You can specify a directory name by using either an absolute or relative path. If the specified directory does not exist, or the backup directory to be restored does not exist in the specified directory, the command terminates abnormally.

If you do not specify this option, the restore-source backup data is $SSO_BACKUP.


Outputs the command usage. This option cannot be specified together with other options.

Usage example

The following example completely replaces the restore-destination database by the backup data of both phases that was stored in /tmp/ssov9/backup:

ssorestore -db -clear -d /tmp/ssov9/backup

Return values


Normal termination


Execution error such as incorrect arguments


Execution error during processing of startup or stop, editing of an SSO authentication user, editing of the NNM information definition file, or backup and restore processing


The following provides notes on restore operations.

About disk capacity:

The ssorestore command checks the amount of data in the restore target and the free space of the SSO installation destination disk before performing a restore. If the free space of the disk is less than the amount of data in the restore target, the restore terminates abnormally. Also, if the free space of the disk becomes insufficient during the restore after it is checked, the restore terminates abnormally.

Therefore, when you perform a restore, make sure that the capacity of the SSO installation destination disk is more than the total of the amount (size on a disk) of each restore-target directory.

To avoid an error termination due to insufficient disk space, provide sufficient space on the SSO installation destination disk.

About daemon processes and operations:

When you perform a restore, pay attention to the following notes on SSO daemon processes and operations.

Before a restore:

You must close the GUI and stop SSO before a restore. If you perform a restore without stopping SSO, the restore terminates abnormally.

During a restore:

You cannot start SSO during a restore.

About restoring corrupted backup data:

If the backup data is corrupted, the restore terminates abnormally. At this time, you cannot recover the state before the restore.

User authentication function:

You cannot add and delete a user for SSO authentication during a restore.