
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


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To add or change a monitoring condition:

(a) To replace a monitoring process and a monitoring server completely with the contents of the definition file:

(a1) When you specify a monitoring process (-as is needed):
ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         -as monitoring-app-definition-file-name
         [-ss monitoring-server-definition-file-name]
(a2) When you specify a monitoring server (-ss is needed):
ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
          [-as monitoring-app-definition-file-name]
           -ss monitoring-server-definition-file-name

(b) To replace a monitoring process and a monitoring server partially with the contents of the definition file:

(b1) When you specify a monitoring process (-asn is needed):
ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         -asn monitoring-app-definition-file-name
         [-ssn monitoring-server-definition-file-name]
(b2) When you specify a monitoring server (-ssn is needed):
ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         [-asn monitoring-app-definition-file-name]
          -ssn monitoring-server-definition-file-name

(c) To change a condition for monitoring an application by a process or service:

ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         -ms monitoring-condition-definition-file-name
To delete a monitoring condition:

(a) When you specify an application:

ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
          {-ad [application-name,...]
           | -adf group-definition-file,group-name}

(b) When you specify a server:

ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
          {-sd [server-name,...]
           | -sdf group-definition-file,group-name}
To output a monitoring condition to a file:

(a) To output the configuration information about the monitoring application:

ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         -ap output-file-name

(b) To output the configuration information about the monitoring server:

ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         -sp output-file-name

(c) To output the monitoring conditions:

ssopsset [-S connection-destination-server-name]
         -mp output-file-name
To output the command usage:
ssopsset -h


The ssopsset command defines (adds, changes, and deletes) a process and service monitoring condition based on the specified definition file and outputs the defined monitoring condition to a definition file. Here, the definition file means a monitoring app definition file, monitoring server definition file, or a monitoring condition definition file.


-S connection-destination-server-name

Specifies a monitoring manager which you use to redefine and output a process and service monitoring condition. Specify a host name or IP address in 255 bytes or less as the connection destination server name. When this option is not specified, the local host will be the connection destination.

-as monitoring-app-definition-file-name

Defines the monitoring application information by using the specified monitoring app definition file. If the monitoring application information has been defined, it is replaced with the specified monitoring app definition file. At this time, any monitoring application information that is not defined in the monitoring app definition file, and monitoring conditions related to the deleted monitoring application are also deleted.

Specify the monitoring app definition file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. You can specify this option together with the -ss option.

-ss monitoring-server-definition-file-name

Defines the monitoring server information by using the specified monitoring server definition file. If the monitoring server information has been defined, it is replaced with the specified monitoring server definition file. At this time, any monitoring server information that is not defined in the monitoring server definition file, and monitoring conditions related to the deleted monitoring server are also deleted.

Specify the monitoring server definition file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. You can specify this option together with the -as option.

-asn monitoring-app-definition-file-name

Changes the configured monitoring application information by using the specified monitoring app definition file. Any configured monitoring application information that is not defined in the monitoring app definition file remains as is.

Specify the monitoring app definition file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. You can specify this option together with the -ssn option.

-ssn monitoring-server-definition-file-name

Changes the configured monitoring server information by using the specified monitoring server definition file. Any configured monitoring server information that is not defined in the monitoring server definition file remains as is.

Specify the monitoring server definition file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. You can specify this option together with the -asn option.

-ms monitoring-condition-definition-file-name

Defines a monitoring condition by using the specified monitoring condition definition file. Any configured monitoring condition that is not defined in the monitoring condition definition file remains as is. If the monitoring application information and monitoring server information that are defined in the monitoring condition definition file do not exist, an execution error occurs.

Specify the monitoring condition definition file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name.

-ad application-name

Deletes the specified application information from the configured monitoring application information. At this time, monitoring conditions related to the deleted monitoring application are also deleted.

Note the following when specifying an application name:

  • Specify the name in 128 bytes or less.

  • If you include a blank, enclose it with double quotes (" ").

  • To specify multiple application names, delimit them with a comma (,).

  • If you omit specifying an application, the command deletes the settings for all applications.

-adf group-definition-file,group-name

Deletes the application information defined in the specified group from the configured monitoring application information. At this time, monitoring conditions related to the deleted monitoring application are also deleted.

Specify the group definition file in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. Specify the group name in 20 bytes or less.

-sd server-name

Deletes the monitoring server specified for server-name from the configured monitoring server information. Specify the host name or IP address in 255 bytes or less. To specify multiple servers, delimit the names with a comma (,). If you omit specifying a server, the command deletes the settings for all monitoring server information.

-sdf group-definition-file,group-name

Deletes the monitoring server information defined in the specified group from the configured monitoring server information.

Specify the group definition file in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. Specify the group name in 20 bytes or less.

-ap output-file-name

Outputs the monitoring application settings from the monitoring condition configuration file to the specified file. Specify the output file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. This option cannot be specified together with other options.

-sp output-file-name

Outputs the monitoring server settings from the monitoring condition configuration file to the specified file. Specify the output file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. This option cannot be specified together with other options.

-mp output-file-name

Outputs the monitoring condition settings from the monitoring condition configuration file to the specified file. Specify the output file name in 512 bytes or less, including the path name. This option cannot be specified together with other options.


Outputs the command usage. This option cannot be specified together with other options.


Return values


Normal termination


Execution error such as incorrect arguments
