
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


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To output the size of a collection database:
ssodbcheck [-S connection-destination-server-name] -col [-list]
To check the size of a collection database by a threshold:
ssodbcheck [-S connection-destination-server-name] -col
            [-th threshold [-event ["text"]]]


The ssodbcheck command outputs the size of a collection database and checks the size by a threshold. It checks the threshold set for the size of the collection database, and can issue an incident if the size exceeds the specified size.


-S connection-destination-server-name

Specifies the monitoring manager for which you want to check the size of the collection database. Specify the host name or IP address in 255 bytes or less. If you do not specify this option, the connection target is assumed as the local host.


Checks the size of the collection database.

If you specify only this option, the command outputs the size of the collection database to the standard output.

The unit is kilobytes.


Outputs for each subresource the size of the collection database to the standard output.

-th threshold

Specifies a threshold for the size of the collection database. Specify an unsigned long value within the range 0 to 4,294,967,295 (kilobytes). If the threshold is exceeded, the command returns a value of 1.

-event ["text"]

Issues an event if the size of the collection database has exceeded the threshold. To specify this option, you must have specified the -th option.

This argument allows you to specify text to be displayed as a message. Specify the text in 255 bytes or less.

Return values


Normal termination


Normal termination (If the -th option was specified, the threshold was exceeded.)


Execution error such as incorrect arguments