
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


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To verify a threshold:
ssocolverify -i threshold-verification-definition-file
               -r collection-data-extraction-file
              [-o output-file-name] [-l]
To output the command usage:
ssocolverify -h


The ssocolverify command verifies the validity of thresholds defined by the resource monitoring function. Write the verification method and parameters for verification in the threshold verification definition file and specify the file as an entry for the command.


-i threshold-verification-definition-file

Write information required for verification in the threshold verification definition file beforehand, and specify the file name as the argument of this option. You must specify the threshold verification definition file.

-o output-file-name

Specify this option when you execute the command to specify the file output destination and the output file name. The output results are transformed into an easy-to-understand format and output. Specify a file name that is not longer than 512 bytes including the path. Note that if you omit this option, the output result is displayed as in the standard output.


Specify this option when you want to add the detailed verification information to the verification results to be output. The detailed information consists of the time when the status (Normal, Warning, or Critical) of an individual subresource changes. Note that you can specify this option only for execution from the command.

-r collection-data-extraction-file

Specifies the name of a file that contains data extracted from the collection database. The file must be a file generated by the ssoextractlog command with the F option. If you do not specify such a file, you cannot verify thresholds. The maximum length of a specifiable file name is 255 bytes including the path.


Outputs the command usage. This option cannot be specified together with other options.

Return values


Normal termination


Execution error such as incorrect arguments