
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


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To browse the resource collection or monitoring status:
ssocolshow [-S connection-destination-server-name]
           [-s server-name,... | -sf group-definition-file, group-name]
           [-r resource-ID,... | -rf group-definition-file, group-name]
           [-stime collection-start-date, time]
To generate a monitoring status definition file:
ssocolshow [-S connection-destination-server-name]
           [-s server-name,... | -sf group-definition file, group-name]
           [-r resource-ID,... | -rf group-definition file, group-name]
           [-stime collection-start-date, time]
           -p collection-status-definition-file-name
To view the resource collection delay status:
ssocolshow [-S connection-destination-server-name]
           [-s server-name,... | -sf group-definition file, group-name]
           [-r resource-ID,... | -rf group-definition file, group-name]
           [-stime collection-start-date] -ds
To output the command usage:
ssocolshow -h


The ssocolshow command displays the resource threshold monitoring status and the resource collection status and the resource collection delay status. This command also generates the collection status definition file.


-S connection-destination-server-name

Specify the monitoring manager for which you want to display the collection status and generate the collection status definition file. Specify the connection destination server name as a host name or IP address in 255 bytes or less. If you do not specify this option, the local host will be the connection destination.

-s server-name

Displays the collection status for the monitoring server specified by the server name from the collection status managed by the connection destination SSO. The command does nothing if the specified server is not contained in the management information. Specify the server name as a host name or IP address in 255 bytes or less. To specify multiple server names, delimit them with a comma (,).

You can specify this option together with the -r or -rf option.

-sf group-definition-file-name, group-name

Displays the collection status for the server defined in the group specified in the group definition file, from the collection statuses managed by the connection destination SSO. The command does nothing if the expanded server is not contained in the management information. Specify the group definition file name, including the path name, in 512 bytes or less. Specify the group name in 20 bytes or less.

You can specify this option together with the -r or -rf option.

For details on how to define the group definition file, see 6.3.5 Group definition file.

-r resource-ID,...

Displays the collection conditions for the resource having the specified resource ID from the monitoring status (management information) managed by the connection destination SSO. The command does nothing if the resource having the specified resource ID is not contained in the management information. To specify multiple resource IDs, delimit them with a comma (,).

You can specify this option together with the -s or -sf option.

For details on the resource ID and resource correspondence, see E. Resource IDs.

-rf group-definition-file-name, group-name

Displays the collection conditions for the resource having the resource ID defined in the group specified in the group definition file from the collection conditions (management information) managed by the connection destination SSO. The command does nothing if the resource having the expanded resource ID is not contained in the management information. Specify the group definition file name, including the path name, in 512 bytes or less. Specify the group name in 20 bytes or less.

You can specify this option together with the -s or -sf option.

For details on how to define the group definition files, see 6.3.5 Group definition file.

-stime collection-start-time

Of information items being collected at the connection destination SSO, this option displays only those items whose collection has begun at the time specified in this option. Specify the collection start time in the format. The specifiable range is January 1, 1980 00:00:00 to December 31, 2099 23:59:59.

-p resource-collection-condition-definition-file-name

Specify the name of the resource collection condition definition file, you want to generate. Specify the file name, including the path, in 512 bytes or less.


If the resource collection status is Collecting, this option displays the resources whose collection occurs later than the collection interval specified in the collection condition. This option is usable when the value of the check-colinterval key in the ssocolmng action definition file is on.


Outputs command usage. You cannot specify this option together with other options.

Return values


Normal termination.


Execution error such as incorrect arguments


When you use this command to browse the resource collection or monitoring status, in the following cases, the display of an instance name is unknown.