
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.9 Report Configuration window

The Report Configuration window displays the report conditions. The following figure shows the Report Configuration window.

Figure 4‒89: Report Configuration window


The report conditions list displays the report conditions saved in the report definition file. The Additional Information field displays information about the collected data file targeted for the report. The next table explains the format of additional information.



Database type

Displays the type of the collected data file.

[Figure]: Indicates that the file is a master file.

[Figure]: Indicates that the file is a copy file. If the file is a copy file, the copy ID is displayed after the icon.

File ID

Displays the ID of the file.

The next table explains the menu items.

Menu bar

Menu command




Creates a report definition file.


Displays the Select Report Definition File window.


Saves the report definition file.

Save as

Displays the Save Report Definition File window.


Add Condition

Displays the Report Condition Addition wizard.

Delete Condition

Deletes the report condition selected in the report conditions list.

Set Condition

Displays the Report Condition Setup window.

Set Report Type

Displays the Report Type Setup window.

Move Up

Reverses the order of the report condition selected in the report conditions list and the report condition immediately above it.

Move Down

Reverses the order of the report condition selected in the report conditions list and the report condition immediately below it.

Report File


Displays the Creating of Report File window.


Displays the Set Report File window.

Organization of this section