
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.8 Process Monitor window

The Process Monitor window references the statuses of monitoring applications. The following figure shows the Process Monitor window.

Figure 4‒84: Process Monitor window


The items to be set are:

List of monitoring servers

This box displays the servers registered as monitoring servers.

If the Process Monitor window is opened from the action menu of the NNMi console window, the node that was selected in the NNMi console window is selected in this list. That is, the monitoring server whose address is set for the custom attribute is selected.

List of monitoring applications

This box displays the statuses of the applications registered on the server selected in List of monitoring servers.

Monitoring Object

Limits the applications to be displayed in List of monitoring applications.

  • All

    Displays applications that monitor both processes and services.

  • Process

    Displays applications that monitor processes only.

  • Service

    Displays applications that monitor services only.

Command List

This button displays the Command List window. In the Command List window, you can execute a registered command on APM at the desired time. For details on the Command List window, see 4.8.2 Command List window.

Process Status

This button displays the Process Status window that shows the statuses of processes and child processes according to the monitoring conditions. For details on the Process Status window, see 4.8.1 Process Status window.

Service Status

This button displays the Service Status window that shows service statuses according to the monitoring conditions. For details on the Service Status window, see 4.8.3 Service Status window.


This box displays messages.

The next table explains the menu items.

Menu bar

Menu command



Change Connection#

Changes the connection destination.


Update status

Matches the status on SSO and APM of an application of the server selected in List of monitoring servers.

Search Monitoring Server

Displays the Search Monitoring Server window. This menu command can be selected only when List of monitoring servers contains at least one server.


The menu command is not displayed if you opened the window from the SSO console.

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