
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.6.7 Change Application window

The Change Application window can be used to change the name and additional information of the application selected in Application List in the Register Application window. The following figure shows the Change Application window.

Figure 4‒73: Change Application window


The items to be set are:

Application Name

You can specify the application name with a character string of 128 bytes or less. Do not specify a semicolon (;), a comma (,), a tab, or multi-byte codes. In addition, you cannot specify a hash mark (#) at the beginning of the application name.

Additional Information

You can specify the additional information of application with a character string of 128 bytes or less. Do not specify a semicolon (;), a tab, or multi-byte codes.


If a monitored application is renamed, monitoring of that application stops.