
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.5 Resource Data Reference window

The Resource Data Reference window references collected data. The following figure shows the Resource Data Reference window.

Figure 4‒50: Resource Data Reference window


The collected data list displays not only the collected resources but also the size of the collection database and information indicating whether the database is a master database or copy database. The next table explains the menu items.

Menu bar

Menu command



Change Connection#1

Displays the Server connection window.


Copying Collection Data

Displays the Copy Collection Data window.#2

Deleting Collection Data

Deletes the collection database containing the selected collected data.

Partially Deleting Collection Data

Delete Collection Data window.#2

Threshold verification#1

Displays the Threshold verification window.


Collection Data Details

Displays the Collection Data Detail window.

Updating Collection Data List

Updates the collected data list to the latest information.

Search Server

Displays the Search Server window. This menu command can be selected only when the collected data list contains at least one data item.


The menu command is not displayed if you opened the window from the SSO console.


If the available space in a file system of a collection database is already insufficient (the available space is smaller than the maximum size of a data file in a collection database), delete the entire collection database from the Deleting Collection Data menu command to secure the available space in the file system. You cannot execute the Copying Collection Data and Partially Deleting Collection Data menu commands.

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