
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.3.17 Threshold verification result detailed information window

The Threshold verification result detailed information window displays detailed information of the threshold verification result. The following figure shows the Threshold verification result detailed information window.

Figure 4‒45: Threshold verification result detailed information window


The items to be set are:

Note that the lines after 500th line are not displayed because the maximum number of lines that can be displayed in this window is 500.

Header information

The following information, which is specified as verification conditions for verifying thresholds, is displayed:

  • Collecting server

  • Server targeted for collection

  • Name of the resource to be verified

Verification result

The following information is displayed as the threshold verification result:

  • Subresource name

  • Instance name

  • Type of threshold

  • Statistical total time

  • Calculation timing

  • Warning threshold, critical threshold and continuous over counter

  • Warning and critical over counter

Detail information

Displays status changes of the period and the result of the threshold verification.

Note that some detailed log data might not be displayed because the maximum number of lines that can be displayed in this window is 500.