
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.3.15 Selection threshold setting ahead window

The Selection threshold setting ahead window applies the threshold verification result to the collection condition. The following figure shows the Selection threshold setting ahead window.

Figure 4‒42: Selection threshold setting ahead window


The items to be set are:


A list of monitored servers to which you can apply the verification result is displayed. Select the server to which you want to apply the verification result.


A list of instances that are set as a collection condition of the selected monitored server is displayed.


A list of subresources corresponding to the selected instance is displayed. Subresources that show It does in the Reflection of verification value column will be the target for applying verification values. Note that only subresources for which threshold verification is performed show It does in the Reflection of verification value column.

It does

Changes the Reflection of verification value column of the item selected in the Subresource list to It does.

It doesn't do

Changes the Reflection of verification value column of the item selected in the Subresource list to It doesn't do.


Displays the Change Collection Detail Condition window to which the verification result is applied.

For details on the Change Collection Detail Condition window, see 4.3.2 Change Collection Detail Condition window.

The verification result is not applied to the collection condition until you click the OK button in the Change Collection Detail Condition window.