
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.2.7 Graph window

The Graph window displays regular query data in a graph. The following figure shows the Graph window.

Figure 4‒14: Graph window


The items to be set are:


Displays regular query data in a line graph.

A graph consists of the title, vertical and horizontal axes, and line introductory notes (a label key identifying the lines). The vertical axis shows the values of the data, and the horizontal axis shows times and dates.#

You can display or hide the lines in a graph in the Line Configuration window. You cannot change the color of the lines.


Part of the rightmost time and date might be hidden.

The following table lists the menu commands.

Menu bar

Menu command




Closes the Graph window.


Zoom In

Zooms in a graph.

Zoom Out

Zooms out a graph.

Show All

Releases the zoom in or out mode.


Line Configuration

Displays the Line Configuration window.

Zooming in or out with the mouse

Dragging toward the lower right: Enlarges the dragged area.

Dragging toward other directions: Cancels the enlarge mode.

Line Configuration window

Displays or hides lines in the Graph window. The following figure shows the Line Configuration window.

Figure 4‒15: Line Configuration window


The items to be displayed are:

Data Label

Displays the names of the lines displayed in a graph.


Displays or hides the line selected in the Data Label area.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Notes