
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

3.2.1 Installing

This subsection describes the procedure for installing SSO.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Linux

(a) Installation prerequisites

Before performing the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • If performing an overwrite installation, make sure that the product to be installed is not an earlier version or revision.

  • The user performing the installation must have superuser permission.

(b) Installation method

Perform the installation by following the Hitachi Program Product Installer instructions.

For the remote installation method that uses JP1/Software Distribution, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Manager and the manual Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution SubManager (UNIX).

(c) Notes on installation

  • Before starting an SSO installation or SSO patch application, stop SSO.

  • Following the SSO installation, the daemon processes of SSO do not start. Start them according to the operating environment.

  • When upgrading to this version from a version 10-50 (including corrective versions), perform the following procedure:

    1. Backs up $SSO_BIN/

      The following example shows how to back up a $SSO_BIN/

      mv $SSO_BIN/ $SSO_BIN/

    2. Copy the $SSO_NEWCONF/ to $SSO_BIN.

      The following example shows how to copy the $SSO_NEWCONF/ to $SSO_BIN:

      cp -p $SSO_NEWCONF/ $SSO_BIN/

    3. If you have modified any settings, those settings will also be applied to $SSO_BIN/

    4. Delete the $SSO_BIN/

      The following example shows how to delete a $SSO_BIN/

      rm $SSO_BIN/

(2) Windows

(a) Installation prerequisites

Before performing the installation, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • In an overwrite installation, make sure that the product to be installed is not an earlier version or revision.

  • The user performing the installation must have administrator permission.

    If UAC is enabled, installation by a user who has administrator permission but is not an administrator requires elevation of that user to administrator.

(b) Installation method

Perform the installation by following the installer instructions.

In a new installation, the following items must be set. In an overwrite installation, the information set during the new installation is carried over, and thus these items need not be set again.

  • User information (user name and affiliation)

  • Installation directory

    The default installation directory is as follows:

    %SystemDrive%\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1SSO\

    To change the installation directory from the default directory, specify a directory that meets the following rules:

    • The directory path must begin with a drive letter (such as C: or D:).

    • The directory path string must not include multi-byte code or any of the following single-byte characters: /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, ,, ;, $, %, ^, ', !, (, ), =, +, {, }, @, [, ]

      The \ symbol can be used only as a directory separator.

    • The directory path cannot consist of only a drive letter or root directory (such as C: or D:).

    • The length of the directory path string must be 45 bytes or fewer in length, including the \ symbol at the end of the directory.

For details about how to install SSO remotely by using JP1/Software Distribution, see the JP1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide, for Windows systems and the JP1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1, for Windows systems.

(c) Notes on installation

  • Before starting an SSO installation or SSO patch application, stop SSO.

  • Set the following permission for SYSTEM and administrators for the files under the SSO installation directory as well as sub-directories:

    Read, write, execute, delete

  • Following the SSO installation, the daemon processes of SSO do not start. Start them according to the operating environment.

  • When upgrading to this version from a version 10-50 (including corrective versions), perform the following procedure:

    1. Backs up $SSO_BIN\jp1ssolog.bat.

      The following example shows how to back up a $SSO_BIN\jp1ssolog.bat:

      ren $SSO_BIN\jp1ssolog.bat $SSO_BIN\org_jp1ssolog.bat

    2. Copy the $SSO_NEWCONF\jp1ssolog.bat to $SSO_BIN.

      The following example shows how to copy the $SSO_NEWCONF\jp1ssolog.bat to $SSO_BIN:

      copy /a $SSO_NEWCONF\jp1ssolog.bat $SSO_BIN\jp1ssolog.bat

    3. If you have modified any settings, those settings will also be applied to $SSO_BIN\jp1ssolog.bat.

    4. Delete the $SSO_BIN\org_jp1ssolog.bat.

      The following example shows how to delete a $SSO_BIN\org_jp1ssolog.bat:

      del $SSO_BIN\org_jp1ssolog.bat