
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

2.8 Operational notes

This section provides operational notes on SSO.

Table 2‒31: Operational notes




Notes on changing the time of the system in which SSO is running


Host names


IP addresses


Notes on using SSO to monitor the processes and services on servers in a cluster system or to collect the resources from servers in a cluster system


If a host to be monitored has multiple IP addresses


Changing the host name or IP address of the local host on which SSO runs


Changing the host name or IP address of a server targeted for resource collection or process monitoring


Creating a report on a monitoring server on which another instance of SSO is running


Character encodings that can be used for definition files


Notes on changing the language environment in which SSO is running


Notes on monitoring processes and services, and collecting resources


Version of the SNMP protocol


Notes on health checks for process monitoring


Monitoring processes whose names include multi-byte characters


Notes on collecting resources


Notes on report conditions


Notes on using Japanese encoding in a report definition file


Changing the settings to accommodate an increasing number of instances for resource collection


Monitoring of servers that use DHCP


Notes on stopping the monitoring of monitoring servers


If one monitoring server (agent host) has multiple IP addresses


Notes that apply when the status of a daemon process is RUNNING* or DEGENERATING*


Notes on displaying a report file in IE


Notes on displaying HTML-format report files


Notes on the stacked bar graph displayed for each subresource


Notes on creating a report file


Notes on NNMi linkage


Notes on using the Enter key in the Resource Browser window


Notes on stopping an agent from which resources are to be collected or a server targeted for collection


Notes on setting process monitoring conditions


Notes on the SNMP System Observer - Console service


Notes on monitoring processes and services by using event notifications via SNMP traps


Character codes that cannot be used


Notes on Windows


Notes on opening a window from the SSO console


Windows remote desktop services (Windows only)


If the monitoring manager has multiple IP addresses


Protocol versions used for SNMP communication


Executing remote commands that include multi-byte characters


To use HTTPS for communication with a web browser


Notes on using the SSO console to limit the number of logged-in users

Organization of this section