
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

2.6.2 Incident cooperation (action cooperation)

The incident cooperation (action cooperation) function allows the user to display an incident graph in the incident view of the NNMi console. After selecting the Action menu or right-clicking in the incident view, when the user selects an SSO action, the incident graph is displayed according to the selected action.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Incident graph display

A graph of data collected before and after issuance of a resource collection status change incident is called an incident graph. This graph allows the user to check the transition of data collected before and after issuance of that incident.

To display the window for specifying the incident graph display range, in the NNMi console window, select a resource collection status change incident, and then select the Action menu or right-click that incident to display a pop-up menu. Next, select SNMP System Observer, and then select Graph or Graph (HTTPS). In the window that appears, specify the range of data to be displayed in a graph, and then click Graph. The incident graph window opens, displaying a graph of data in the specified range.

The following figure shows examples of the NNMi console window, the window for specifying the incident graph display range, and the incident graph window.

Figure 2‒66: Examples of the NNMi console window, the window for specifying the incident graph display range, and the incident graph window


The incident graph window is used only for actions that are executed from the NNMi console, and cannot be displayed from the menu of the SSO console.

(a) Window for specifying the incident graph display range

In the window for specifying the incident graph display range, specify the range of data to be displayed in a graph.

The following figure shows the window for specifying the incident graph display range.

Figure 2‒67: Window for specifying the incident graph display range


The items displayed in the above window are described below.

Incident Information area

The following items are displayed in this area as the information about the selected incident:

  • Monitoring Manager

  • Monitoring Server

  • Category

  • Group

  • Resource

  • Subresource

  • Instance

  • Occurrence Time

  • Value

  • Warning Threshold

  • Critical Threshold

Range: Occurrence Time

Specify the range of the data to be displayed on the graph.


Specify the extent to which data before the incident occurrence time is to be displayed on the graph, by using the drop-down lists for selecting the number of days, the number of hours, and the number of minutes.#1, #2, #3


Specify the extent to which data after the incident occurrence time is to be displayed on the graph, by using the drop-down lists for selecting the number of days, the number of hours, and the number of minutes.#1, #2, #3

Max Plot

Specify the maximum number of plots. The number of plots refers to the number of collection data items in the specified range.#1, #2, #3

Image size

Specify the width of the graph image to be displayed.#2, #3


Specify the height of the graph image to be displayed.#2, #3

Show Graph

Opens the incident graph window.


The displayed graph covers the period in which collection data exists in the following range:

From: Incident occurrence time minus the value specified for Before

To: Incident occurrence time minus the value specified for After

Note, however, that the number of data items to be plotted cannot exceed the value specified for Maximum number of plots.

For details, see (3) Notes.


The value ranges that can be specified in the drop-down lists and text boxes are as follows:

  • days: 0 to 30

  • hours: 0 to 23

  • minutes: 0 to 59

  • Max Plot: 1 to 20,000

  • Width: 320 to 1,024

  • Height: 240 to 768


The initial values can be set in the NNM action definition file. For details on this file, see 6.3.30 NNM action definition file (ssonnmaction.conf).

(b) Incident graph window

The incident graph window displays a graph of the data in the range specified in the window for specifying the incident graph display range.

The following figure shows the incident graph window.

Figure 2‒68: Incident graph window


The items displayed in the above window are described below.

Incident Information area

The following items are displayed in this area as the information about the selected incident:

  • Monitoring Manager

  • Monitoring Server

  • Category

  • Group

  • Resource

  • Subresource

  • Instance

  • Occurrence Time

  • Value

  • Warning Threshold

  • Critical Threshold

Graph area

This area displays a graph image in PNG format.

The title of the graph, the vertical axis (data values and unit), the horizontal axis (time and date#1), and the introductory notes on the lines#2 are also displayed.

The graph displayed in this area is a line graph on which the following three lines are drawn:

  • Collection data

  • Warning threshold (value at incident occurrence)

  • Critical threshold (value at incident occurrence)

The graph display range is determined by the range specified in the window for specifying the incident graph display range and the maximum number of plots. For details, see (3) Notes.

In addition to the above lines, a vertical line that indicates the incident occurrence time is displayed.

The vertical and horizontal axes are scaled automatically according to the display range of the graph.

The image displayed in this area is assigned a name in the following format (where the incident occurrence time is indicated in YYYYMMDDhhmmss format):


For example, if the resource ID is 32, the subresource ID is 1, and the incident occurrence time is 13:27:24 on 2012-01-25, the name of the image is as follows:


The time and date at the right end of the horizontal axis of the graph might be incompletely displayed.


If the introductory notes on lines are long and extend beyond the width of the graph image, only the part that fits within the graph image width is displayed.

(2) Action menu access rights

The action menu access rights are controlled by the NNMi roles. The role required for executing an action differs according to the menu item. The following table lists the role set by default.

Table 2‒21: Default role

Menu item



Operator level 1

Graph (HTTPS)

Operator level 1

The NNMi role required for execution can be changed according to the operation. To change the role, change the role of the menu item in question from the NNMi console. For details, see the NNMi console's Help.

One of the following roles can be selected:


The role is reset to the default role when the URL action definition file is re-imported to NNMi.

(3) Notes