
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

D.7 Network configuration changes

During the course of a day, an NNMi operator might complete several configuration changes. The following scenarios illustrate some common network configuration changes and show how NNMi responds to these changes.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Node updated

Suppose that a network operator modifies a node, for example, by swapping a failed interface board with a working replacement. When NNMi notices this change, the discovery process sends a notification to the NmsApa service. The NmsApa service completes the following tasks:

(2) Interface moves to and from connections

Suppose that a network operator changes the way network devices are connected. When an interface joins a connection or leaves one connection to join another, the NNMi discovery process sends a notification to the NmsApa service. The NmsApa service recalculates the status of the connection.

(3) Device-generated traps

ColdStart and WarmStart traps - The NmsApa service subscribes to notifications from the Events system for ColdStart and WarmStart traps. These notifications trigger the NmsApa service to initiate a rediscovery of device information from the node that generated the trap.

LinkUp and LinkDown traps - The NmsApa service subscribes to notifications from the Events system for LinkUp and LinkDown traps, as well as for some vendor-specific link traps. These notifications trigger the NmsApa service to initiate a rediscovery of device information from the node that generated the trap.


For a complete list of the trap incident configurations that NNMi provides, see NNMi Help or select SNMP Trap Configurations from Incidents in the Configuration workspace.