
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

21.21 Modifying NNMi normalization properties

NNMi stores both host names and node names in case-sensitive form. This means that all searches, sorts, and filters that the NNMi console provides return case-sensitive results. If the DNS servers you use return a variety of case-preserving node names and host names, including all-uppercase, all-lowercase, and a mixture of uppercase and lowercase, this can cause less-than-optimal results.

You can change several NNMi normalization properties to meet your specific needs. A good practice is to make these changes before seeding NNMi for its initial discovery.

We recommend that you adjust the settings in this section during deployment, but before running the initial discovery.

If you run an initial discovery, and then decide to change the normalization properties later, you can run the nnmnoderediscover.ovpl -all script to initiate a full discovery. For details, see the nnmnoderediscover.ovpl Reference Page.

You can change the following properties:

To change normalization properties follow these steps:

  1. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\

    • Linux: $NNM_PROPS/

  2. To configure NNMi to normalize discovered names, look for a line that resembles the following:


    a. Uncomment the property (to uncomment a property, remove the #! characters from the beginning of the line):


    b. Change OFF to LOWERCASE or UPPERCASE.

    c. Save your changes.

  3. To configure NNMi to normalize discovered host names, look for a line that resembles the following:


    a. Uncomment the property:


    To uncomment a property, remove the #! characters from the beginning of the line.

    b. Change OFF to LOWERCASE or UPPERCASE.

    c. Save your changes.

  4. Restart NNMi by running the following commands:

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