
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

21.20.1 Enabling the auto-trim oldest incidents feature (no incident archive)

If the number of incidents (including all types of incidents except SNMP traps and including syslog messages) in the database exceeds 50,000, perform the following procedure to use the automatic trim function for incidents to delete 10,000 incidents. Incidents are deleted in order starting from the oldest incident. Note that this procedure does not create an archive for incidents.

  1. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\

    • Linux: $NNM_PROPS/

  2. Look for the following line:

  3. Uncomment and edit this line to read as follows:
  4. Look for the following line:

  5. Uncomment and edit this line to read as follows:
  6. Look for the following line:

  7. Uncomment and edit this line to read as follows:
    If an archive is necessary, specify TrimAndArchive.
  8. Find the row that includes the following character string.
  9. Delete the comment symbol, and make the following correction.
  10. Save your changes.

  11. Restart NNMi by running the following commands:


The default value of (which sets the upper limit on the number of incidents) is 100,000. In this case, if the number of incidents in the database exceeds 50,000 (50% of the upper limit), 10,000 incidents are deleted in order, started from the oldest incident, and based on the following formula.

( / 100) X X ( / 100)
* "X" means multiplication.