
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

21.19 Configuring NNMi to preserve a previously supported varbind order

All SNMPv2 traps contain the sysUptime.0 and snmpTrapOID.0 OIDs as the first and second varbinds.


When an SNMPv2 trap definition contains either or both of sysUptime.0 and snmpOID.0 as trap parameters, they might appear in NNMi as additional varbinds in positions other than first and second in the varbind list.

Prior to NNMi 10-10, NNMi removed all instances of the sysUpTime.0 and snmpTrapOID.0 OIDs from the varbind list. Starting with NNMi 10-10, NNMi retains these OIDs when they are part of the trap definition, but they might appear in positions other than first and second in the varbind list of received trap. This change in positioning might alter the varbind order for those traps that have either sysUpTime.0 or snmpTrapOID.0 as trap parameters.

In the following example, the first boldface varbind contains the value for snmpTrapOID.0 and the second boldface varbind contains the value for sysUpTime.0. As shown in this example, these varbinds appear as additional varbinds in positions other than first and second in the varbind list:

//0: SNMP MESSAGE (0x30): 115 bytes
//2: INTEGER VERSION (0x2) 1 bytes: 1 (SNMPv2C)
//5: OCTET-STR COMMUNITY (0x4) 6 bytes: "public"
//13: V2-TRAP-PDU (0xa7): 102 bytes
//15: INTEGER REQUEST-ID (0x2) 2 bytes: 18079
//19: INTEGER ERROR-STATUS (0x2) 1 bytes: noError(0)
//22: INTEGER ERROR-INDEX (0x2) 1 bytes: 0
//25: SEQUENCE VARBIND-LIST (0x30): 90 bytes
//27: SEQUENCE VARBIND (0x30): 13 bytes
//29: OBJ-ID (0x6) 8 bytes: .
//39: TIMETICKS (0x43) 1 bytes: 9
//42: SEQUENCE VARBIND (0x30): 32 bytes
//44: OBJ-ID (0x6) 10 bytes: .
//56: OBJ-ID (0x6) 18 bytes: .
//76: SEQUENCE VARBIND (0x30): 14 bytes
//78: OBJ-ID (0x6) 9 bytes: .
//89: INTEGER (0x2) 1 bytes: 92
//92: SEQUENCE VARBIND (0x30): 23 bytes
//94: OBJ-ID (0x6) 10 bytes: .
//106: OBJ-ID (0x6) 9 bytes: .

Set the property to true only if you want NNMi to remove all instances of the sysUpTime.0 and snmpTrapOID.0 OIDs from the varbind list.

To retain the NNMi behavior that existed prior to NNMi 10-10, do the following:

  1. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\

    • Linux: $NNM_PROPS/

  2. Add the following line:
  3. Save your changes.

  4. Restart NNMi by running the following commands:
