
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

20.5 Backing up and restoring the database

NNMi provides the nnmbackupembdb.ovpl and nnmrestoreembdb.ovpl commands to back up and restore the NNMi database only. This functionality is useful for creating a snapshot of the data as you experiment with NNMi configuration settings.

The nnmbackupembdb.ovpl command performs online backups only. At a minimum, the nmsdbmgr service must be running.

Each backup operation stores files in a parent directory called nnm-bak-<TIMESTAMP> in the target directory. You can specify the -noTimeStamp option to save disk space. When you use the -noTimeStamp option, the parent directory is simply named nnm-bak. When a backup is performed after a previous backup was made using the -noTimeStamp option, the previous backup is renamed nnm-bak.previous, thereby creating rolling backups. This renaming is performed after the second backup has been made to protect against any loss of backup data.


Run the nnmresetembdb.ovpl command before restoring data to the database. This command ensures that the database does not contain any errors, thus eliminating the possibility of encountering database constraint violations. For details about running this database reset command, see the nnmresetembdb.ovpl Reference Page.