
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

19.4.3 Configuring NNMi for HA (Windows)

This subsection explains how to configure NNMi for HA in a Windows environment.

In HA configuration for NNMi, you create a new resource group for NNMi. Therefore, you must begin the configuration procedure when there is no resource group to be configured.

The script (nnmhaconfigure.ovpl) used to configure NNMi for HA internally creates a resource group and individual resources for the cluster software. When the configuration procedure is completed, the following resource group has been configured.

Table 19‒4: Components of resource group for NNMi in WSFC

Resource name

Resource type



Network name

Controls virtual host names.


IP address

Controls virtual IP addresses.


Physical disk

Controls the shared disk.


General-purpose script

Controls the start, stop, and monitoring of NNMi.

In WSFC, nnmhaconfigure.ovpl configures the above resources by internally executing commands such as cluster.exe.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Example of settings for each resource in WSFC

This subsection provides an example of the settings for each resource in WSFC when the configuration is completed. Replace resource-group with the actual HA resource group name.

Table 19‒5: network-name-resource




  • Resource name: virtual-host-name

  • Resource type: Network name

  • DNS name: virtual-host-name

  • Full name:

  • Network:

  • IP address:

  • NetBIOS status: OK

  • DNS status: OK

  • kerberos status: OK




  • If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified period (hh:mm) is enabled.

    Period: 15:00

    Maximum restarts in the specified period: 0

  • If restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or application is enabled.

    Period: 03:00

Advanced Policies

  • Basic resource health check interval: Use standard time period for the resource type

  • Thorough resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

  • Run this resource in a separate Resource Monitor is disabled.

Table 19‒6: IP-address-resource




  • Resource name: resource-group-IP

  • Resource type: IP address

  • Network:

  • Static IP address:

  • Enable NetBIOS for this address is enabled.


No dependencies


  • If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified period (hh:mm) is enabled.

    Period: 15:00

    Maximum restarts in the specified period: 0

  • If restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or application is enabled.

    Period: 03:00

Advanced Policies

  • Basic resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

  • Thorough resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

  • Possible owners is disabled.

#: DHCP is not enabled.

Table 19‒7: physical-disk-resource




  • Resource name: resource_group-mount

  • Resource type: Physical disk

  • Volume: Y:


No dependencies


  • If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified period (hh:mm) is enabled.

    Period: 15:00

    Maximum restarts in the specified period: 0

  • If restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or application is enabled.

    Period: 03:00

Advanced Policies

  • Basic resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

  • Thorough resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

  • Possible owners is disabled.

Table 19‒8: general-purpose-script-resource




  • Resource name: resource-group-APP

  • Resource type: General-purpose script

  • Script path#:



network-name-resource, IP-address-resource, and disk-resource


  • If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified period (hh:mm) is enabled.

    Period: 15:00

    Maximum restarts in the specified period: 0

  • If restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or application is enabled.

    Period: 30:00

Advanced Policies

  • Basic resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

  • Thorough resource health check interval: Use the standard time period for the resource type

    Possible owners is enabled.


For the script path, the full path with the environment variable expanded is set.



(2) Configuring NNMi on the primary cluster node

Complete the procedure described below on the primary cluster node.

(a) Preparations

To start with the preparations:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete the procedure described in 19.2 Verifying the prerequisites to configuring NNMi for HA.

  2. If you have not already done so, install NNMi, and then verify that NNMi is working correctly.

  3. Use the following command to back up all NNMi settings and data:


    nnmbackup.ovpl -scope all -target nnmi_backups

    For details about this command, see 20. NNMi Backup and Restore Tools.

    In the initial status of NNMi cluster environment configuration, the data in the primary cluster node must exactly match the data in the secondary cluster node. Therefore, restore the backup data obtained here during the secondary cluster node configuration procedure.

(b) Copying data to the shared disk

Next, copy data to the shared disk.

  1. Provide a shared disk for the NNMi HA resource group.

    Use Windows Explorer and the Disk Management tool to assign a drive letter.


    Verify that the provided shared disk satisfies the following conditions:

    • Use the Disk Management tool to make sure that the shared disk displays online. If reserved is displayed, it indicates that WSFC has control of the shared disk. Use the Delete action from the WSFC user interface to remove the shared disk from WSFC control. Also use the Disk Management tool to confirm that the reserve flag has changed to online.

    • It has already been formatted.

    • It has enough free space.

    • It is not being used by any other resource group.

    • A user with administrator permissions has the Full Control permission, and a built-in Local Service user (Users group) has the Read & execute permissions.

  2. Stop NNMi:

    %NnmInstallDir%bin\ovstop -c
    net stop NnmTrapReceiver
  3. Copy the NNMi files to the shared disk:

    %NnmInstallDir%misc\nnm\ha\nnmhadisk.ovpl NNM -to HA-mount-point

    Specify for HA-mount-point the drive of the shared disk or any directory under the shared disk drive (example: Y: or Y:\JP1).

    The directory name cannot contain any spaces.

    The directory NNM is created immediately below the specified path (example: Y:\NNM or Y:\JP1\NNM).

    The storage directory cannot be renamed.

(c) Configuring NNMi for HA

Next, run NNMi's HA configuration.

  1. Create an NNMi HA resource group:

    %NnmInstallDir%misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaconfigure.ovpl NNM

    For details about the configuration items for this command, see 19.9.2 NNMi-provided HA configuration scripts.

    Make sure that you specify disk, not none, for the shared disk type. Specify for the shared disk the path specified in step 3 in subsection (b).

    Configuration example

    The HA configuration items are listed below in the order they are entered interactively to nnmhaconfigure.ovpl. Enter appropriate values based on the information provided in Table 19‒3: NNMi HA primary cluster node configuration information in 19.4.2 Configuring NNMi for HA.

    HA configuration item

    Example setting

    HA resource group name


    Virtual host name


    Network interface of the virtual host

    Local area connection

    Type of shared file system

    disk (make sure that you specify disk)

    Directory to be mounted

    Y drive


    Before you execute the configuration command, check the following notes:

    • If a value specified in nnmhaconfigure.ovpl is already in use by another resource group or resource, a resource creation error occurs. Before you execute nnmhaconfigure.ovpl, verify that the specified values are not already in use.

    • If a specified resource group name, IP address, or disk is already in use, the cluster software command executed to create resources results in an error. If an error occurs, nnmhaconfigure.ovpl terminates abnormally at that point, in which case the resource group and resources that had been created up to that point remain. Delete those remaining resources before you resolve the error and re-execute nnmhaconfigure.ovpl.

    • For the network interface for which a virtual address is set, verify the following:

    • In Networks in the Failover Cluster Management console, verify the resources that include a network address of logical IP address.

    Execution example

    The following shows an example screen display in which the example configuration values are specified, where each input item follows a question mark (?).

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\Cm2NNMi\misc\nnm\ha>nnmhaconfigure.ovpl NNM
    QUESTION: Enter the name of HA resource group:  ? jp1ha1
    A primary node configuration has been discovered.
    QUESTION: Enter a valid virtual host name:  ? lhost1
    Available network interface:
    Network subnet mask  Network interface           Cluster network 3           Cluster network 1
    Available value:
    1: Cluster network 3
    2: Cluster network 1
    QUESTION: Enter the type of shared file system:  ? 2
    Available value:
    1: disk
    2: none
    QUESTION: Enter the type of shared file system (disk, none):  ? 1
    QUESTION: Enter the directory to mount disk:  ? Y:
    Creating a resource group.
    Creating the resource group 'jp1ha1'...
    Group             Node          Status
    -------------------- --------------- ------
    jp1ha1               NNMX64-33       Offline
    Creating the resource group 'lhost1'...
    Resource             Group             Node          Status
    lhost1               jp1ha1               NNMX64-33       Offline
    Making the resource 'lhost1' dependent on the resource 'jp1ha1-IP'...
    Configuring the HA value  C:/ProgramData/Hitachi/Cm2NNMi/shared/nnm/conf/ov.conf.
    Disabling the automatic startup of HP OpenView Process Manager service.
    [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
    Note: Updating NNMi FQDN to match the specified virtual host name. Configuring fqdn to
    Configuring the domain to
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
    Generating a new SSL certificate.
    Generating a key store certificate of
    [Completed successfully]
    Exporting the generated certificate to the trust store.
    The certificate has been saved in temporary.cert.
    The certificate has been added to the key store.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\ Hitachi\Cm2NNMi\misc\nnm\ha
  2. Configure resource-group in such a manner that failover occurs in the event of a monitoring process error.

    Open the properties of resource-group-APP, and then click the Policies tab.

    Verify that If restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or application is selected, and then set Maximum restarts in the specified period to 0.

    If it is selected, clear the check box If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified period (hh:mm).


    Configuration of resource-group and the resources registered to resource_group is used to specify actions such as error handling. For details about the role of each configuration item, see the cluster service Help.

  3. On the primary cluster node, disable the NNMTrapReceiver service automatic start feature.

    From the Start menu, select Administrative Tools > Services, and select NNM Trap Receiver and NNM Trap Receiver Manager, and then set Startup type to Manual.

  4. By restarting, the specified configuration settings are applied and the NNMi environment variables are loaded. You can start and stop the service by executing the net start ClusSvc and net stop ClusSvc commands, respectively.


    If you use HTTPS communications to access the NNMi server, you must configure the cluster to use an appropriate certificate. For details, see 10.3.6 Working with Certificates in High-Availability Environments.

(d) Verifying the startup

Lastly, verify the startup.

  1. Start the NNMi HA resource group.

    Execute the start command on the primary cluster node.

    • Execute the following start command:

    %NnmInstallDir%misc\nnm\ha\nnmhastartrg.ovpl NNM resource-group

    NNMi is now running under HA.


    Do not use the ovstart and ovstop commands for normal NNMi operation in the HA configuration. Use these commands only when instructed to do so for HA maintenance purposes. To start and stop NNMi in the HA configuration, start or stop the HA resource group by using the cluster software.

(3) Configuring NNMi on the secondary cluster node

(a) Preparations

Start with the preparations:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete the procedure described in 19.2 Verifying the prerequisites to configuring NNMi for HA

  2. If you have not already done so, install NNMi, and then verify that NNMi is working correctly.

  3. Restore the backup data.

    Restore onto the secondary cluster node the backup data obtained in step 3 in subsection (a) in (2) Configuring NNMi on the primary cluster node.

    %NnmInstallDir%bin\nnmrestore.ovpl -force -partial -source backup-data

    For details about this command, see 20. NNMi Backup and Restore Tools.

(b) Configuring NNMi for HA

Next, run NNMi's HA configuration.

  1. Stop NNMi.

    %NnmInstallDir%bin\ovstop -c
    net stop NnmTrapReceiver
  2. Configure the NNMi HA resource group:

    %NnmInstallDir%misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaconfigure.ovpl NNM

    Specify the HA resource group name when prompted by the command.

    Execution example

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\Cm2NNMi\misc\nnm\ha>nnmhaconfigure.ovpl NNM
    QUESTION: Enter the name of HA resource group:  ? jp1ha1
    a secondary node configuration has been discovered.
    Disabling the automatic startup of HP OpenView Process Manager service.
    [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
    Note: Updating NNMi FQDN to match the specified virtual host name. Configuring fqdn to
    Configuring the domain to
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
    Generating a new SSL certificate.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\ Hitachi\Cm2NNMi\misc\nnm\ha
  3. On the secondary cluster node, disable the NNMTrapReceiver service automatic start feature.

    From the Start menu, select Administrative Tools > Services, and select NNM Trap Receiver and NNM Trap Receiver Manager, and then set Startup type to Manual.

  4. Verify that configuration was successful:

    %NnmInstallDir%misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -group resource-group -nodes

    This command outputs a list of all nodes that are in the specified HA resource group.

  5. On the secondary cluster node, restart the cluster service.

    By restarting, the specified configuration settings are applied and the NNMi environment variables are loaded. You can start and stop the service by executing the net start ClusSvc and net stop ClusSvc commands, respectively.

  6. Optionally, test the configuration by taking the HA resource group on the primary node offline and then bringing the HA resource group on the secondary node online.


    Problems might occur in the created resource group, such as the service no longer starts successfully if the NNMi default values for resource group and resource configuration are changed.

    Special care is needed if the following configuration item is changed to a value that is smaller than its default value:

    • Length of period during which the cluster service waits until it restarts a resource

    WSFC standard installation:

    Period on the Policies tab for the resource-group-APP properties (default value: 30:00 minutes)

    DeadlockTimeout value for the resource-group-APP properties (default value: 2,700,000 milliseconds)