
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

15.9 Disconnecting communication between global1 and regional1

To shut down (either temporarily or permanently) a global manager (for example, global1) you must disconnect communication between the global manager and the regional managers.

This example assumes that global1 still has active subscriptions to the regional1 regional manager.

To disconnect communication between global1 and regional1:

  1. From the global1 NNMi console, click Global Network Management in the Configuration workspace.


  2. Click Regional Manager Connections.


  3. Check that the status is Connected. If the status is not Connected, diagnose the problem using information from the topic Troubleshoot Global Network Management in NNMi Help before continuing.


  4. Select regional1, then click the Open icon.


  5. Click Connection, select regional1.xx.x.xx, then click the Delete icon.


  6. Click Save and Close.

  7. On the Regional Manager Connections tab, note the Name attribute value for regional1 (case-sensitive).

    You will need this Name attribute in step 9.

  8. Click Save and Close.

  9. Type the following command on the command line on global1:

    nnmnodedelete.ovpl -rm regional1 -u NNMiadminUserName -p

    For -rm, specify the name you noted in step 7.

  10. This removes from global1 the node records that regional1 forwarded to it.

    The command also closes incidents associated with the nodes forwarded to global1 from regional1. For details, see Disconnect Communication with a Regional Manager in NNMi Help.

  11. To remove the configuration records for regional1, do the following.

    a. Click the Configuration workspace.

    b. Select the Global Network Management form.

    c. Click Regional Manager Connections tab.

    d. Select regional1, then click the Delete icon.


    e. Click Save and Close to save your deletions.