
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

9.8 Overriding the refresh rate of table views

NNMi enables the NNMi administrator to override from the NNMi console the default refresh rate of table views.

The recommended minimum refresh rate is 30 seconds. Performance might be affected adversely if the refresh rate is set to less than 30 seconds.

To override the default refresh rate of NNMi table views:

  1. Check the viewInfoId parameter in the URL of the view whose refresh rate is to be changed.

    a. Open the view whose refresh rate is to be changed.

    b. Click Show View in New Window.

    c. Make a note of the value of the viewInfoId parameter in the URL.


  2. Edit the following file:

    • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\

    • Linux: $NNM_PROPS/

  3. Add to a line in the following format for specifying the view and its refresh rate in seconds:

    com.hp.ov.nms.ui.refreshViewSecs.VIEWKEYWORD = SECS
    • VIEWKEYWORD is the viewInfoId parameter in the view's URL.

    • SECS is the refresh rate (seconds).

    • Make sure that there are no extra spaces at the end of the command line.

    For example, to change the refresh rate of the All Incidents view, to 120 seconds, add the following line to

    com.hp.ov.nms.ui.refreshViewSecs.allIncidentsTableView = 120

  4. Save the changes.

  5. To check the new refresh rate, open a different view, and then return to the view whose refresh rate was changed.