
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

8.1.8 Lifecycle transition actions

A lifecycle transition action is an administrator-provided command that runs when an incident lifecycle state changes to match the action configuration. An incident action configuration is specific to one lifecycle state for one incident type. The action configuration identifies the command to run when this incident type transitions to the specified lifecycle state. The command can include arguments that pass incident information to the action code.

The action code can be any Jython file, script, or executable that runs correctly on the NNMi management server. The action code can be specific to one incident type or it can process many incident types. For example, you might create action code that pages a network operator when NNMi creates a ConnectionDown, NodeDown, or NodeOrConnectionDown incident. You would configure three incident actions, one for the Registered lifecycle state for each of these incident types.

Similarly, the action code can be specific to one lifecycle state change or it can respond to several lifecycle state changes. For example, you might create action code that generates a trouble ticket when NNMi creates an InterfaceDown incident and closes the trouble ticket when the InterfaceDown incident is canceled. You would configure two incident actions for the InterfaceDown incident, one for the Registered state and one for the Closed state.

Each action configuration can include a payload filter based on CIAs that limits when the action is to run. For additional filtering, you can use incident enrichment to add a CIA to the incident. NNMi determines the value of that attribute from the incident source. For example, if you have added a custom attribute to some nodes, you can add this information to the incident as a CIA and then base the payload filter for an incident action on this attribute value.