
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

7.4.1 Verifying the configuration for network monitoring

You can determine the settings that NNMi uses for monitoring a given node or interface, and you can initiate a status poll of a node at any time.

To verify the configuration for network monitoring, use the following checks:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Is the interface or node a member of the right group?

You can verify which interfaces or nodes belong to a group by selecting one of the following in the Configuration workspace:

Follow the instructions in Help to show the members of the group. Keep in mind that an object can be a member of multiple groups, and that another group might have a lower ordering number.

Alternatively, you can see the full list of groups to which the object belongs by opening the object (interface or node) and clicking the Node Groups or Interface Groups tab. This list is alphabetical by group name and does not reflect the ordering numbers that determine which settings are applied.

If the object is not a member of a group:

  1. Retrieve the device profile for the node in the Inventory view.

  2. Review the attribute mapping for the device profile by choosing Configuration, and then Device Profiles.

  3. Review the attribute requirements for the node group definition.

    If you have a mismatch, you can adjust the category derived in the Device Profile to force that type of device to qualify for your node group. You might need to choose Actions, Polling, and then Configuration Poll to update the attributes for the node so that it qualifies.

(2) Which settings are being applied?

To check the monitoring configuration in effect for a specific node, interface, or address, select that object in the appropriate Inventory view, and select Actions, Configuration Details, then Monitoring Settings. NNMi opens the current monitoring settings.

Check the values for Fault SNMP Polling Enabled and Fault Polling Interval. If these values are not as expected, look at the value for Node Groups or Interface Groups to see which ordered group match applied.

You might need to check the settings for the object to ensure traffic has not been disabled for it; you do this by choosing Actions, Configuration Details, and then Communication Settings.

(3) Which data is being collected?

You can initiate a status poll of a specific device to validate that the expected types of polls (SNMP, ICMP) are being performed for that device.


If Web Agents are configured (in addition to SNMP Agents), NNMi can use additional protocols.

For example, SOAP protocol for VMware environments.

Select a node, and then click Actions > Polling > Status Poll. NNMi performs a real-time status check of the device. The output shows the types and results of the polls being performed. If the types of polls are not what you expect, check the monitoring settings for the node and the respective global, interface, or node settings of the monitoring configuration.