
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

5.3.1 Configuring an SNMP proxy

Some networks use an SNMP proxy agent to communicate with network devices. The following diagram shows the SNMP communication steps NNMi uses if you configure an SNMP Proxy Address and an SNMP Proxy Port using Configuration > Communication Configuration from the NNMi console.


For the alternate method of configuring SNMP proxy settings from the command line, see the nnmcommunication.ovpl reference page.

Figure 5‒1: Using proxy servers


  1. The NNMi management server sends an SNMP request to the SNMP proxy address and SNMP proxy port to obtain information from the managed router and switch. The NNMi management server uses the special proxy varbind SecurityPackAgentAddressOid OID (. to encode the remote address and port of the managed router and switch, and then adds this varbind to the SNMP request.

  2. The SNMP proxy server reads this special proxy varbind, determines the destination of the SNMP request, and then sends the SNMP request to the managed router and switch to obtain the information requested by the NNMi management server.

  3. The managed router and switch respond to the SNMP proxy server (using the SNMP proxy address and SNMP proxy port) and return the requested information.

  4. The SNMP proxy server responds to the NNMi management server (using the configured SNMP port).

    Note: NNMi supports SNMP proxy servers that support using the SecurityPackAgentAddressOid OID (. Use the following property to include this OID in SNMP requests for devices using SNMP proxy settings:

    The default setting for this property is false.

  5. The SNMP proxy server forwards SNMP informs and traps from the managed devices to NNMi.

    NNMi supports the use of the following OIDs to determine the source of incoming traps forwarded from an SNMP proxy:

    • TrapForwardingAddressTypeOid . (HP)

    • TrapForwardingAddressOid . (HP)

    • Rfc3584TrapAddressOid . (RFC 3584)

    • Rfc3584TrapCommunityOid . (RFC 3584)

    When using NNMi with an SNMP proxy server, ask the proxy vendor if they support the OIDs in this list.