
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

2.4.1 Removing NNMi (Windows)

  1. Log on with administrator privileges to the system from which you plan to remove NNMi.

    If UAC is enabled, a user who is not the built-in Administrator must be promoted to administrator.

  2. Stop all NNMi services.

  3. Under Control Panel > Programs and Features, select Network Node Manager and then click Uninstall or Change.

  4. A dialog box is displayed asking whether you want to start the uninstallation. Enter yes to start uninstalling NNMi.

    Example of input:

    ** Network Node Manager i Installer **

    * Starting uninstallation ? (yes/no) =>


  5. After you have finished uninstalling NNMi, delete the NNMi installation directory and data directory.

    Performing an uninstallation might not always delete the NNMi installation and data directories. In this case, delete them manually.

    If default values were selected during installation, delete the following directories.

    • drive:\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\Cm2NNMi\

    • drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\Cm2NNMi\

  6. Delete temporary directories and files.

    Delete the following temporary directories and files that are created by NNMi.

    The examples below show everything that might exist. There is no problem if some of the following do not exist. If you need the log output file for the uninstallation (NNMUninstall.log), make a copy of it before you delete the temporary file.

    %TEMP%\NNM_X.X.X_HPOvInstaller.txt (where X is one or more numeric characters)
    %TEMP%\NNM_X.X.X_MicroFocusOvInstaller.txt (where X is one or more numeric characters)
  7. Delete the environment variables.

    Uninstalling NNMi does not delete the environment variables OVCSL_LOG, OVCSL_LOG_APPLICATION, and OVCSL_LOG_FILE, or NnmInstallDirbin\, which is added to the environment variable PATH when NNMi is installed. Delete them manually. Note that NnmInstallDir is the value set in environment variable NnmInstallDir.