
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

2.2 Using the Quick Start Configuration Wizard

This section guides you through some basic configuration tasks for NNMi. These tasks must be completed after you install NNMi. Very few parameters can be set from the Quick Start Configuration Wizard, which means that it is not possible to configure all settings necessary to start monitoring with NNMi. Hitachi normally recommends that you perform configuration from the NNMi console. You can use the Quick Start Configuration Wizard for initial setup (such as in a test environment), including:

After initial configuration, you can use the NNMi console for additional configuration tasks, such as adding nodes to the network topology and configuring monitoring. For details, see NNMi Help.


About discovery seeds and auto-discovery rules

A discovery seed is a node that can help NNMi discover the network topology. For example, a seed might be a core router in your monitoring environment. Each seed is identified by an IP address or host name; see Configure Auto-Discovery Rules in NNMi Help.

  • To configure discovery so that the devices that you specify as seeds become the starting point for additional discovery, create and configure auto-discovery rules; see Specify Discovery Seeds in NNMi Help.

  • To configure discovery so that only the devices that you specify as seeds are discovered, do not create auto-discovery rules.

For overview information about the discovery process, see How Spiral Discovery Works in NNMi Help.

  1. After the installation process finishes, launch the Quick Start Configuration Wizard as follows:

    Run the Quick Start Configuration Wizard immediately after installation. To manually launch the Quick Start Configuration Wizard, go to the following URL:

    http:// fully-qualified-domain-name:port/quickstart/

    where fully-qualified-domain-name is the fully qualified domain name of the NNMi administrator server, and port is the port number that was set during installation.

    If your NNMi management server has more than one domain name, NNMi chooses one during the installation process. To determine which fully qualified domain name NNMi is using, run the nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl script. For details, see the nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl Reference Page.

    The NNMi Quick Start Configuration Wizard opens in a Web browser window.

  2. Log on as follows:

  3. On the Configure Community Strings page, enter a community string for one of the nodes in the discovery range, and then click Add.



    NNMi automatically tries to match community strings to known devices. You do not need to manually associate each community string with a specific device.

  4. Repeat step 3 until the SNMP Community Strings list includes the community strings for all nodes in the discovery range, and then click Next.

    The SNMP community strings that you add here are saved in the NNMi database. In the NNMi console, the SNMP community strings are visible on the Default SNMPv1/v2 Community Strings tab of the Communication Configuration form.

  5. On the Configure Auto-Discovery Rules page, associate the existing rule name with the Included IP Address Range. Enter the range of IP addresses for the discovery rule, and then click Next.

    Examples of valid IP address ranges include:

    • 10.1.1.*


    • 10.10.50-55.*

    • 10.1-7.1-9.1-9


  6. On the Configure Seeds page, enter discovery seed information for your network, and then click Add. After that, click Next.

    Enter discovery seeds in the form of IP addresses or fully qualified domain names. The network devices represented by these seeds help the NNMi spiral discovery process discover your network accurately.


    You can use the nnmloadseeds.ovpl command to load seeds using a command line. For details, see the nnmloadseeds.ovpl Reference Page.

  7. On the Test Seeds page, review the results of the communication tests. If any of the seed nodes cannot be reached with the community strings that you identified in step 3, click Previous to navigate to the Configure Community Strings page. Correct the community strings, and then click Next.

  8. Repeat step 7 until all nodes can be reached, and then click Next.

  9. On the Configure Administrator Account page, enter a User Name, and set the Password for a new account for administering the NNMi software. Then, click Next.

  10. On the Summary page, review the information that you specified. Then, do one of the following actions:

    • To change any of the settings, click Previous.

    • To use the current settings, click Commit.


  11. The Wizard is complete page indicates that you have successfully configured NNMi to discover a portion of your network. From here, do one of the following:

    • Click Previous to go back and make changes.

    • Click Launch UI to start the NNMi console user interface. To begin using NNMi, see 3. Getting Started with NNMi.


      For Windows, after installation, restart any anti-virus software.