
JP1 Version 13 Network Management: Getting Started

1.4.4 Setting up SSO (for Linux)

If the Monitoring Manager is to run on Linux, set the language environment and the definition information to set up SSO.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting the language environment

After the installation of SSO is complete, you need to add the language setting to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/sso file.


  1. Open the /etc/rc.d/init.d/sso file.

  2. Add the following two lines immediately after the line ./etc/rc.d/init.d/functions.

    • For a Japanese environment


      export LANG

    • For an English environment


      export LANG

    • For a Chinese environment


      export LANG

  3. Overwrite the /etc/rc.d/init.d/sso file.

    Now, the language environment is set.

(2) Adding information about the connection from SSO to NNMi

Set the connection information for linking with NNMi. The procedure for setting the information is the same as that for Windows.

(3) Setting the SSO definition information for NNMi

Execute a command to set the SSO definition information for NNMi.


  1. Execute the nnmconfigimport.ovpl command of NNMi to set the incident definition.

    nnmconfigimport.ovpl -u user-name -p password -f /etc/opt/CM2/SSO/incident/ssoincident.def

    Specify the user name and password of the system account.

    If an APM instance that does not use TCP communication for event notification is used to monitor processes or services, the following incident definition must also be set:

    nnmconfigimport.ovpl -u user-name -p password -f installation-folder-of-SSO \incident\apmtrap.def

  2. Execute the nnmconfigimport.ovpl command of NNMi to set the URL action definition.

    nnmconfigimport.ovpl -u user-name -p password -f /etc/opt/CM2/SSO/urlaction/ssourlaction.def

    Specify the user name and password of the system account.

  3. Execute the ssoauth command of SSO to register a user in SSO.

    ssoauth -add -user user-name -password password

    Set the user name and password that are used for logging in from the SSO console.

  4. Execute the ssostart command of SSO to start SSO.

  5. Execute the ssostatus command of SSO to check the SSO status.

    If all statuses are in the running status, there is no problem.

(4) Setting the community name

The community name is a password for accessing the MIB object by using the SNMP protocol. To collect resources, you need to match the get community names of the Monitoring Agent and the Monitoring Manager.


  1. Open the SNMP definition file (/etc/opt/CM2/SSO/conf/ssosnmp.conf).

  2. Edit the SNMP definition file.

  3. Execute the ssoapcom command as follows to load the definition file again:

    ssoapcom -r

  4. Execute the ssocollectd command as follows to load the definition file again:

    ssocollcetd -r

Next steps

After setting the community name, make sure that the setup of the Monitoring Agent at each site is complete. If the setup of the Monitoring Agent at each site is complete, proceed to the task of setting up the JP1 network management products.