
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

4.10.8 Import alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)


This plug-in imports JP1/PFM alarm definitions.

The following describes the server that this plug-in requires:

- PFM management server (execution target server)

The server on which this plug-in is executed. JP1/PFM - Manager must be set up on this server.

By specifying "true" for the JP1PFM.overwriteAlarm property, the alarm definitions in the alarm definition file can be registered forcibly.

Use situation

This plug-in can be used to update the alarm definitions in a system whose performance is monitored by JP1/PFM.

By using this plug-in with the following plug-ins, the JP1/PFM monitoring conditions can be changed automatically:

- jp1pfmExportAlarmDef

- osReplaceString


See Release Notes for the latest support statuses of prerequisite products on the execution target server, and OSs of prerequisite products on the execution target server.

In addition, the following OS and products use abbreviations. For the abbreviations of OS and products, see the "Preface".

Prerequisite products for the execution-target server:

(1) JP1/PFM - Manager

Supported OSs for the prerequisite products for the execution-target server:

(1) Windows Server 2016 Standard/Datacenter

(2) Windows Server 2019 Standard/Datacenter

(3) Windows Server 2022 Standard/Datacenter

(4) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7

(5) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8

Conditions for using prerequisite products on the execution target server:

(1) The following JP1/Performance Management - Manager services must be running:

- Name Server service

- Master Manager service

- View Server service

(2) The conditions for using the JP1/PFM jpctool alarm import command must be satisfied.


(1) Do not simultaneously execute multiple instances of this plug-in on the same execution target server.

(2) If JP1/PFM - Manager on the execution target server is in a cluster configuration, execute the plug-in on the active node.

(3) If you specify "false" for the JP1PFM.overwriteAlarm property, the plug-in returns a value of 0 without importing alarm definitions that have already been registered in the JP1/PFM system. In this case, the common.commandExitCode property is set to 11. For details about the values that can be returned, see the section that describes the jpctool alarm import command in the applicable JP11/PFM manual.



Plug-in tags

Configure JP1,PFM,Windows,Linux

Plug-in name displayed in the task log


Return code

0: Normal

11: Error (Mistake by user) Invalid content in the definition file

12: Error (Mistake by user) Invalid property

13: Error (user error) Authentication disabled

14: Error (Mistake by user) File inaccessible

20: Error (Mistake by user)

21: Error (Environmental error) No command was found (An error was detected in the component script)

22: Error (invalid environment) Insufficient memory or disk capacity

23: Error (Invalid environment) The environment requirements are not met.

24: Error (invalid environment) Start status is invalid

25: Error (invalid environment) Communication error

26: Error (linked product error) Internal error

27: Error (Check with the task log about the error detail) Unidentified error

41: Error (An error has been detected in the component) Property not entered (An error has been detected in the component script)

Property list

The following table lists the properties:

Property key

Property name


Default value

I/O type



Host name of the execution target server

Specify the host name or IP address of the server on which this plugin will be executed. IPv6 addresses are not supported.





Alarm definition file name

Specify the full path for the alarm definition file in a format that is able to be imported to JP1/PFM - Manager.





Whether it is necessary to overwrite the alarm definition file

Specify true to overwrite the alarm definition file, or specify false to not overwrite it.





Return value for the plugin

The return value of this plugin stored.





Return value for the execution command

The return value for the execution command is stored.

