
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

8.3.21 Procedure for retrying a task from the step after the failed step during debugging

When a debug task fails partway through, you can retry the task from the step after the failed step.

By retrying from the step after the failed step, you can resume the debug task with the same task ID and the original property values. This approach is appropriate in situations where there is no need to execute the failed step. When you retry a task from the step after the failed step, processing of the task continues as if the failed step had ended normally. You can use this approach when you find a problem in a step, but want to continue executing the debug task and deal with the problem later.

For details about retrying tasks, such as exceptions when property values are inherited and the possibility of retry depending on the status of a debug task, see Retrying tasks in the JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide.

To retry a task from the step after a failed step during debugging:

  1. Make sure that the debug task is in Failed status. Then, in the Debug area, from the Resubmit pull-down menu ([Figure]), select Retry From Next To Failed Step.

    A dialog box appears in which you can confirm that you want to retry the task from the step after the failed step.

  2. Click OK.

Operation results

The task is re-executed from the failed step.