
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

7.2.1 Procedure for deleting plug-ins

You can delete plug-ins that appear in the Developing tab and Releases tab in the Custom Plug-in List dialog box. When you delete a plug-in, the definition of the plug-in is deleted from the JP1/AO server, and the plug-in disappears from the Component area in the Flow tab of the Service Builder Edit window.

However, you cannot delete a plug-in that is being used by a development service template or a release service template. Nor can you delete a plug-in if a development service template has been built that uses that plug-in as a step. In this scenario, delete the step from the development service template, and build the service template again. You will then be able to delete the plug-in.

To delete a plug-in:

  1. In the Service Builder Home window, from the Custom Plug-in Actions pull-down menu, select Delete.

  2. In the Release tab or Developing tab of the Custom Plug-in List dialog box, select the plug-in you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.

    Figure 7‒2: Custom Plug-in List dialog box (delete)



You can delete a plug-in while editing a service template by selecting the plug-in you want to delete in the Developing Plug-in or Released Plug-in tab of the Flow tab of the Service Builder Edit window, and then clicking the Delete button.

Operation result

The plug-in is deleted.