
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

6.5.4 Plug-in resource files automatically generated when plug-ins are created

When a plug-in is created, a plug-in resource file is automatically generated. Two types of plug-in resource files can be generated: plug-in resource files that use the same language as the Web browser locale, and plug-in resource files for English. However, if the locale of the Web browser is English, only the one for English is generated.

The values shown in the following table are set for the generated plug-in resource files.

Table 6‒17: Default values of display information defined in plug-in resource files (when plug-ins are created)

Display information to be defined

Value set by default

Same language as the Web browser locale

Resource file for English that is automatically generated#

Vendor name

Value specified when the plug-in is created, copied, or edited

Vendor ID

Plug-in name

Plug-in ID

Description for the plug-in


Plug-in input property name, plug-in output property name

Property key

Plug-in input property description, plug-in output property description



If the Web browser locale is English, see the Same language as the Web browser locale column for the contents of the generated plug-in resource file.

The following gives examples of plug-in resource files that are automatically generated when you create plug-ins.

Values specified in the window

Vendor ID: test.vendor
Plug-in ID: test.plugin
Plug-in version: 10.00.00
Plug-in name: test.plugin
Vendor name: test.vendor
Description: This plugin is for testing purposes.

Generated plug-in resource file

plugin.shortDescription=This plugin is for testing purposes.