
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

6.4.8 Procedure for using the return value of a command or script as a flow branching condition (for values outside the 0 to 63 range)

When a command or script executed in a plug-in returns a value outside the 0 to 63 range, you can use the return value as the branch condition for a flow by following the procedure below.

To use the return value of a command or script as the branch condition of a flow:

  1. When creating or editing a plug-in, specify the Script option for Execution Mode in the Platform.

  2. Create a script that outputs the return value of the command it executes to standard output.

  3. In the Edit Output Filter dialog box, enter a regular expression that assigns the return value of the command or script output to standard output to an output property of the plug-in.

  4. Configure output property mapping so that the value of the plug-in output property assigned in step 3 is assigned to a service property (variable).

  5. Configure a branch by property value plug-in (which is a basic plug-in) to judge the value of the service property (variable) assigned in step 4.

Operation result

The return value is set as the branch condition for a flow.