
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

6.3.1 Overview of plug-in properties

By defining plug-in properties, you can specify parameters necessary for executing plug-ins, or obtain the execution results of plug-ins. The following types of plug-in properties exist:

Input property

You can define input properties as properties used to store the input values necessary for executing plug-ins (for example, arguments used by the remote command, and operation target hosts).

Output property

You can define output properties as properties used to store the execution results of plug-ins (for example, the execution results of the remote command, such as the standard output or standard error output).

Plug-in properties are valid only in the plug-in for which the properties are defined.

The maximum size of an input property for a plug-in is 1,024 characters when a composite-type service property has not been mapped, or 30MB when a composite-type service property has been mapped. If the specified value exceeds the maximum value, the excess part of the value is truncated.

A plug-in property whose property key and intended use are predefined is called a reserved plug-in property. You need to define reserved plug-in properties as plug-in properties to specify the execution host of a remote command or authentication information.